Glorificacion de vyasapuja

2 months, 1 week ago by ramanretidevidasi in Special Category A

Todas las gloria a Goura Nitay

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudev este es una pequeña glorificacion a los pies de loto de Srila prabhupada y a usted por seguir sus instrucciones e inspirarme en cada momento de mi proceso espiritual, siempre que pienso en este momento me invado de mucha emoción por lo que significa este día de vyasapuja recordar mis comienzos como devota y las instrucciones que me a dado a lo largo de estos años.

sin la misericordia de srila prabhupada y la de usted esto no se hubiera logrado he entendido en estos años que las instrucciones son lo más importante para avanzar a krishna muchas gracias por todo querido Gurudev por ayudarme a avanzar cada día y ser un ejemplo para la conciencia de krishna y que Srila prabhupada este feliz con mi servicio


All glories to Goura Nitay

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudev, this is a small glorification to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and to you for following his instructions and inspiring me at every moment of my spiritual process.

Whenever I think of this moment, I am filled with emotion for what this day of Vyasapuja means, remembering my beginnings as a devotee and the instructions you have given me throughout these years.

Without the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and yours, this would not have been achieved. I have understood in these years that instructions are the most important thing to advance to Krishna.

Thank you very much for everything, dear Gurudev, for helping me advance every day and being an example for Krishna consciousness. May Srila Prabhupada be happy with my service.

HpS - This is nice prayer for anyone, me. Thank you.

Also, so many people have helped you, us, in ISKCON, no???

Even those who just come to the Temple, festivals, and exchange smiles with us.

Maybe we don't even know their names, but we recognize them as regular community members!!

Living in a world of lovers.