2 months, 1 week ago by laksmana-108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurudeva, pamho, AGTSP!

Just to confirm, yes, Raman reti devi dasi came to my life to improve my service and vice-versa. I use to live like a regular bachelor, I mean, eating any time, lazi, couching a lot, doing minimum effort, messy room, sloppy, etc.

Since we got married, we have a nice schedule for our service, we rise early to chant our rounds, be in your FMS, we have beautiful altar, nice prasadam for our Deities: Laxmi/Nrsimha, Jagganatha, Baladeva and Subhadra and Nitay Caitany candra. Srila Prabhupada murti and, of course, your picture. We distribute prasadam. Do some service in the temple, etc.

Krishna was very kind to me and send me a nice devotee to be a better devotee and a better person.

Thanks to you as well to approved and blessed our asociation.

Your servant,


HpS//ASA - You mother and sister???