
1 month, 3 weeks ago by Bhadra Rupa d. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Jay Srila Prabhupada!

I hope this finds you well.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! 12.08AM here in ISKCON RichMond (Mound), Virginia.

"This body does not get diseases, body is a disease", SPawhh.

Thank you.

Regular eye, ear, throat, mind and now heart problems, but especially allergy reaction.


Yet, we have your association!👍👍👍

I would like to get your guidance: I go to bed at 8.30pm every day and try to wake up at 3am, but I wake up at 1.30am or 2am (don’t need more sleep) so I sleep 4h30min-5h daily.

Is this unhealthy for the body (to sleep 4h30m) in a long term?

Thank you.

Your servant,

Bhadra Rupa das

HpS - Thank you for posting this here. I am sure that many more people are interested in this topic.

We are hardly authorities in this area but we can make our little, little, comment:

  1. Our doctor, NgD Prabhu, always suggests long enough period of continuous rest. Guess you and I got that with at least 4-hours of rest at night.
  2. Prabhupada says that the real, Rupa Goswami, standard is one (or two) hours a day with Snaps (short naps). Of course, he also says that we (most of us) are not Rupa Goswami, and as far as I know, Srila Prabhupada said that he was sleeping maybe four hours each day, and at most five.
  3. In BG Srila Prabhupada says that anyone who sleeps more than six hours a day is influenced by the mode of ignorance. In a Room Conversation H. H. Tamal krsna Goswami criticizes a devotee for sleeping more than six hours a day, but Srila Prabhupada criticizes his criticism by say, "What does it matter if he does twice as much work as you while he is awake!"
  4. Finally this leads us to the distinction that we must sleep more if we are engaged in hard physical (or mental?) labor. We remember Srila Prabhupada saying (wrsp) that you should sleep for 8-hours before long term driving. Also, medically, your body repairs all the little tears to the muscle tissues etc. while you are sleeping. It is like all the city repair and cleaning crews going to work while the city sleeps. so, if you are engaged in physically stressful activity (like travel) then your body would need good time to repair itself.


