LAD Report and VP thoughts

1 month, 4 weeks ago by laksmana-108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear gurudeva. Pamho, AGTSP!

On this occasion I want to deeply thank you for your inspiration for my spiritual life and my particular mission in ISKCON as the day of your glorious appearance approaches.

Your commitment to education, the purposes of ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada's books are admirable.

Seeing and following your commendable mission, I have no choice but to try to follow the dust of your lotus feet, tava pace pace. You follow the footsteps of your spiritual master and I trying to follow yours.

Therefore, my commitment to education has also been possible thanks to your inspiration and constant support. You were very close to me in my most difficult moments in ISKCON. And I continue in ISKCON because you also continued in ISKCON in very difficult times.

After researching, trying to teach in regular schools, studying for my master's degree, I discovered that Krishna wanted me to dedicate myself to teaching devotees. Supported by the merciful devotees of Chosica, especially Prabhu Karuna Krishna and Mataji Nitya Kinkary, I continue my work as a teacher of the official ISKCON courses.

In that regard, I have the challenge of trying to help ISKCON Chosica to become a Bhakti Vaibhava examination center. First I have to finish my qualification through the BVB exam that I am seeking. All this can be achieved through the mercy of Atul Krishna Prabhu with whom I have been talking about it.

It is worth mentioning that my relationship with Prabhu began this year when I was part of a BOEX group dedicated to developing question banks for various ISKCON educational programs. In reality I fell into it by your causeless mercy. I always wonder what I am doing in the midst of such an exalted group of devotees. I think basically learning.

You have always supported me to develop in my mission from the beginning. I was your student of Bhakti sastri, then of Bhakti Vaibhava, a more or less informal program, which we can now formalize if we manage to obtain the BVB examination center for ISKCON Chosica.

We also studied practically the entire Srimad Bhagavatam, up to the 11th canto, and for some time now we have also been studying Caitanya Caritamvrta.

I see myself as your eternal student. My small contribution as a teacher is based on what I learn from you, whom I constantly refer to in my classes. Your contribution to ISKCON education is truly great.

Your auspicious Vyasa puja has inspired me to write this, because you are truly a representative of Srila Vyasadeva who, seeing the advent of Kali yuga, dedicated himself to writing for the benefit of the confused souls of this age.

Please allow me to be a humble bearer of your legacy. Bless me to be a good disciple and may you be proud of me. And when it is your turn to leave this world, go with peace of mind, confident that there are devotees who follow you in your great mission to satisfy Srila Prabhupada and who wish, like you, that IKSCON's education be solid so that this great institution, the sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya, is sustainable in time and space.

Your servant,

Laksmana-agraja das


HpS - ASA - AgtSP. Thank you. Whatever we have done is at least 99.999% Srila Prabhupada, shielding us and drag, drag, dragging us along with out material attachments.

Eg. To many popsicles.

I take your appreciations as appreciations of him.

I also very, very, very much appreciate your determinations in these matters. In very challenging circumstances you have stayed with Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON and ISKCON Education.

Thank you.

Besides Karuna and Mataji, seems the second half of the orange also deserves a lot of credit, no? Has Mataji, R. Reti Devi Dasi also been an essential element in your ability to do you service?

Then, we only hope that you are acquiring other connections to Srila Prabhupada than just us.

We would feel very happy if we had a Maharaja Bharata et al falldown and you left Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON because of that.

You experience his personal presence in his books also???