
2 months, 2 weeks ago by estefania in Other

Hare Krshna Querido Gurudeva TLGASP 🌺

espero se encuentre muy bien, gracia a la misericordia de los devotos he podido ver muchos videos y fotografías de su viaje a España. Me hubiese encantado poder ir a visitarlo, pero mi salud no me lo permitió. Gracias a usted y a Krshna ya estoy mucho mejor, mi operación aunque fue compleja resulto muy bien, me ayudo mucho para poder meditar en la fragilidad de este cuerpo material. Tuve un largo reposo, eso me ayudo para incrementar mis rondas y cantarlas con mayor fuerza.

Por el momento, mis servicios en el templo es de reemplazo cuando alguna devota o devoto no pueda cumplir con el servicio de guirnaldas y voy apoyar la cocina grande los algunos viernes al mes para la fiesta de Srila Prabhupada.

Respecto a sus preguntas Atulananda Swami es discípulo de Srila Prabupada y su Siksha Guru Sridhar Maharaj. Antes, Atulananda Swami pertenecia a Vrinda junto a Paramadvaiti Swami, pero luego de que Paramadvaiti cayó Atulananda Swami intento corregirlo y no pudo, por ende creo la Congregación Sarasvat Gaudiya independiente de ISKCON. La foto que publique anteriormente estaba con Nitai, él es unos años menor que yo, entiendo sus palabras y concuerdo no tiene nada de usual, sin embargo tomando sus palabras estamos intentado ser sinceros y creativos para internar cumplir con nuestros servicios en cada templo y avanzar en nuestra vida espiritual.

Para Finalizar le quería comentar que en mis tiempos libres estoy tratando de hacer ropa para deidades le dejo fotos de Gopal, es la deidad de una amiga a la cual pude hacer un vestido, y también de uno de mis servicios para el Pasado Ratha Yatra.

Ahora concentrando fuerzas y energías para su Vyasa Puja! también comparto foto del libro que estoy leyendo actualmente. Eternamente agradecida de usted Gurudeva!!! Mis respetuosas Reverencias !!!🌻




This, Hare Krsna, is all that google would translate:

Hare Krshna, Dear Gurudeva, TLGASP 🌺

I hope you are feeling very well, thanks to the mercy of the devotees I have been able to see many videos and photographs of your trip to Spain. I would have loved to go visit him, but my health did not allow it. Thanks to you and Krshna I am much better now, although my operation was complex, it turned out very well, it helped me a lot to be able to meditate on the fragility of this material body. I had a long rest, which helped me to increase my rounds and sing them with greater force.

At the moment, my services at the temple are replacements when a devotee cannot fulfill the garland service and I will support the large kitchen on a few Fridays a month for Srila Prabhupada's festival.

Regarding your questions Atulananda Swami is a disciple of Srila Prabupada and his Siksha Guru Sridhar Maharaj. Before, Atulananda Swami belonged to Vrinda along with Paramadvaiti Swami, but after Paramadvaiti fell Atulananda Swami tried to correct him and could not, therefore he created the Sarasvat Gaudiya Congregation independent of ISKCON. The photo I published previously was with Nitai, he is a few years younger than me, I understand his words and I agree, there is nothing unusual about it, however taking his words we are trying to be sincere and creative to internalize our services in each temple and move forward in our spiritual life.

Finally, I wanted to tell you that in my free time I am trying to make clothes for deities. I am leaving you photos of Gopal, he is the deity of a friend for whom I was able to make a dress, and also of one of my services for the Past Ratha Yatra.

HpS - Thank you.

We see three ISKCONs.

  1. the institution headed by the GBC.
  2. the community of friends.
  3. me and prabhupada.

We think that there are many problems with the institution from GBC down to us, but that is normal in Kali yuga and we are not so critical of the administrators unless we can do a better job.

should atulananda Swami try to join ISKCON as an institution?

if you don't really worry about such questions and you have a practical relationship with the iskcon institution, then don't really worry about giving much or even any answer to this question.

Chant 16 nice rounds a day and follow the 4 principles strictly and read and follow srila prabhupada's instructions in his books etc.