why not Krsna as tiger?

2 months, 2 weeks ago by harsh_horse in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, agtSP, PAMHO

I know His Holiness likes Harinama and Sankirtana.

However we are enjoying vibhutis of Krsna. Still long way to go.

HpS - AgtSP!! Paoho... 🐵 We like vibhutis. So much fun hearing about the lions as King of the beasts et al, but in the end of BG 10, Krsna introduces Paramatma, then Visnu, Krsna.

Nice to see vibhutis and then realize how we are seeing an echo of KRSNA. Grrr. 🦁

Searching Krsna's sparks in Youtube, we found a video on comparison between Lion And Tiger.

Here's a table that highlights the key differences between lions and tigers:

  1. Hunting Success: Lions have a hunting success rate of around 20-30% per hunt, whereas tigers have a higher success rate of around 50%.
  2. Social Structure: Lions live in social groups called prides, while tigers are solitary and prefer to live and hunt alone.
  3. Size: Male lions typically weigh between 190-230 kg, whereas male tigers can weigh between 220-310 kg (485-683 lbs).
  4. Roar: A lion's roar can be heard up to 8 km away, while a tiger's roar can be heard up to 3 km away.
  5. Behavior: Lions are more social animals, while tigers are more territorial and stealthy hunters.
  6. Hunting Strategy: Lions often hunt in groups (prides), utilizing teamwork and strength, with females doing the majority of the hunting, whereas tigers are solitary hunters that rely on stealth.
  7. Preferred Prey: Lions prefer large herbivores like zebras, wildebeest, and buffaloes, while tigers hunt various animals including deer, wild boar, and small elephants.
  8. Habitat: Lions inhabit open savannas and grasslands, whereas tigers live in dense forests and grasslands.
  9. Hunting Time: Lions primarily hunt during the night or early morning, while tigers are mostly nocturnal hunters, though they can hunt during the day.
  10. Hunting Techniques: Lions use coordinated attacks with some lions driving prey towards others, whereas tigers are ambush predators that use camouflage and surprise to overpower prey.
  11. Jaw Pressure: Lions have a jaw pressure of approximately 650 PSI, while tigers have a stronger jaw pressure of approximately 1,050 PSI.
  12. Running Speed: Lions can reach running speeds up to 80 km/h in short bursts, whereas tigers can reach speeds up to 65 km/h.

Whats ASA view on that why Krsna called himself as Lion among beasts in Bg. 10.30 not Tiger?

HpS - We don't know. Was also 5,000 years ago. Maybe Lions were tougher then. Of course, if lions and tigers fight, lions win, because just as you say, Lions fight in a group whereas Tigers fight alone.

Hmmm. The King may not be the best fighter, even the Commander in Chief.

our view is-- he let the ladies work. and Tiger is more like a special force commanders, Lion is king who uses special forces.

HpS - Hey.... same idea.

I dont find my useful for temple projects , ourself not attracted to rituals of temple.

HpS - Yogi.

Thanks for using this COMBAT mindset ("Combined Operations for the Modern Battlefield and Tactical Training) or (COunter Move Before enemy ATtack)

chanting with four rules,

Das of Hayagriva

HpS - Thank you. 3.48PM here in Richmond. Hope you saw our posts about the trip.

One opinion is that we are supposed to die today.

Before ears, eyes, skin, throat, mind were all acting up, but now heart has started. So maybe die today.

Don't give up.

If we make it to Nabadvipa, with Srila Prabhupada and Nimai, we really want to see you there!

Will you take the Vrndavana Yogi to Nabadvipa?

Now we start our series of programs as posted on Twitter.

Thank you so much.

Got a lot of other letters.

Maybe have time and energy to do them now. 💪