Jay Maharaj!

1 month ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

HK Maharaj! PAMHO AGTSP! All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!!

How are you??

HpS // ASA - Body, agtSP, is in a lot of pain: Tooth, eyes, heart, but spiritual drive is great.

in reply to your last words: Yes I’ve seen the pictures and some videos of you at Radha Kunda, how was that experience Maharaj??

HpS - Our experience was that whatever we were experiencing on the ordinary level was real. there was no feeling of temporary existence or confusion. the people, the trash, the mud, the falling down buildings, were all sat cit. Cool.

How is your health doing? I’m still participating of one of your disciples’ WhatsApp group where they share all that kind of pictures and video material and some other interesting things, so I follow you digitally.

Thank you very much for your advice, I really felt really excited whilst reading your letter, I found it really inspiring. I do clean the altar from time to time and offer flowers to Krishna daily, and I will pay more attention to that.

I finally asked Dhanvantari Swami for shelter, from whom I got a lot of inspiration, and well thanks to Krishna he accepted.

I cherish in my heart your words and teachings Maharaj, I always tried to learn from you and everything you once told me it’s been of awesome help. I wish I could serve you in some way.

Well, I was remembering lately your advice on opening myself confidently to others, so well, I’m still trying to put it on practice.

I’m still going through a legal situation in which we reciprocally sued ourselves with the mother of my child for some personal things regarding my child, and this last month it’s been a bit difficult, I had a hard time waking up early in the morning and have had a difficult digestion. And well a devotee advice me on sleeping at least 7 hours a day, and I usually sleep less, wake up automatically and perform well during the day and week, so I spoke to a senior devotee who finally told me I should rest as much as I really need. I bought a course on Ayurveda and I learned that if a person’s health is in balance, he wakes up naturally between 3 and 6 am. I’m finding it quite inspiring and already waking up earlier.

I saw your preaching about journaling, and a time ago after seeing some YouTube videos about the subject, I began doing it, and I’m feeling fine with it. I’m doing it consistently, and well it helps me in two different ways: the first, well lets me reflect on the things I’m currently thinking and doing, and the second is, well since I ‘m writing it in English it helps me advance in my vocabulary and in written expression.

There's a situation I been going through some time ago, I tried to make friends among local Iskcon devotees, and I really didn't have any luck, every one of them just refused my friendship, I really would like to understand how come in Buenos Aires devotees are so friendly and in Cordoba are really the opposite.

hps//asa --- don't know. is indeed a great mystery. 🙂 maybe just fewer devotees in cordoba.

There's another devotee with which I do some service, and well, even though I went through different difficult situations he just texts me only when he needs something and just tells me profusely about himself avoiding asking how am I doing with all the things that have been happening. I had a close friend there in Cordoba, and every time I have legal issues with my child's mother, he always does the same thing, keeps sending me communist propaganda, and if I just dare to tell him I don't like receiving all that stuff, he just tells me that he doesn't like to hear about my problems with my child's mother, and ends all kind of communication. So I was remembering the words of Chanakya Pandit: "test a friend during adversity", when things turns bad, he always disappears, so I thought of taking serious distance from that devotee. What do you think Maharaj? What do you think about local devotees??

HpS - Don't worry about it too much. just deal with in informally, like looking at the weather and making a decision to take an umbrella or not.

🙂 🙂 🐵

Well I decided some days ago to start associating with devotees from other Yatra's, and at the Ratha Yatra I met the other day some devotee who invited me to a Mar del Plata on line program, so well I just thought I could pretend I have no local temple at Cordoba, and try to make at least on line friends. I met another devotee from that Yatra and she was really enthusiastic, I felt instantly comfortable in her company.

Maharaj I have a little question, I’ve hard from several sources, incluiding Maharaj Dhanvantari, that Prabhupada had set a goal of turning the whole world into Vaishnavism by year 2000. And well one devotee said the we had failed on that, we hadn’t pleased Srila Prabhupada’s desire, so a question arose in my mind: shouldn’t we at ISKCON set another due date for we to accomplish that? I mean if I determine myself to loose 10 pounds of weight by the end of this year and I can’t make it, the natural thing I see responsible people do is setting a new due date. What do you think??


  1. Have never, never, never heard that. 😧 Amazing! Maharaja said that? When? Were? I get the impression from Srila Prabhupada that all goals in Sankirtan are subject to the free will of the conditioned souls. If they want to remain in Maya even Krsna Himself cannot touch them. Doesn't mean he stops trying.
  2. Understand that Srila Prabhupada is kind of saying the same, the making everyone on the planet KC is kind of like impossible. Again this is the material world.
  3. Yes, he did say things like 'double the book distribution from last month'.

thank you very much in advance!

please accept my obeisances,

Federico Molnar