Personal Sadhana

2 months, 3 weeks ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All Glories to you

Hope your India trip at Radhakund was fine.

hps//asa -- it, ag, ag, agtSP, was, is perfect. we are not leaving radha-kunda. nvm, spain, is a part of radha-kunda!!!!

thank you.

Hopefully we will be able to join you next time. We still remember our previous visit to Radhakund with you and celebrated your Vyasapuja at Krishna Balaram temple… Those were the golden days which we desire to come back again.

... but they never will!

We can only go forward and take the best from the past ... to use in the present... to build a better future!


Guru Maharaj by your mercy we are doing fine. I am chanting my rounds and doing Gayatri.

Somedays its hard to complete my rounds and also do Gayatri. For this I beg for forgiveness. I have many more rounds to catch up.

Us also.

We need your association to do it.

Thank you.


I have started my services in the temple and dress Radha Govinda either on Tuesday or Thursday mornings.

Kalachandji is very merciful, He allows me to assist you in your service.

We are still struggling to get back to our Sadhana, dressing our deities Nitai Nawadwip Chandra and doing FMP.

We seek your blessings so that we can continue our Sadhana Guru Maharaj. Please help us.


Sometimes we do FMP program with Manjari when she wakes up at 4am for feeding. She really loves Damodarashtakam and Jaya Radhe, Jaya Krishna. So i daily sing to her while putting her to sleep.

We are going to the temple daily for Damodara-Ashtakam and offer Ghee lamp to Radha Kalachandji

Though some days are tough but after going to the temple for Damodarashtakam everything seems to be fine

We are eagerly waiting to meet you Maharaj. Please always keep me in your service.

Yours Servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi



fill your heart with these activities, not just your senses, no?

then the secnd world, bhu, bhuvah, sva, will be filled with good thoughts and it will be difficult for people to think bad thoughts!