Hare Ksna Gurudeva
You asked us
The word puruṣānumatena indicates that the Lord sets the stage for such material futility so that the conditioned souls will eventually come back home, back to Godhead. sb 11.24.5
HpS-ASA... Is this the basis of Govardhana Puja?
answer: this is from SB, Canto 11: General History CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR The Philosophy of Sāṅkhya
following might be useful
While the sages glorify the sun-god with the hymns of the Sāma, Ṛg and Yajur Vedas, which reveal his identity,,,,,,,,,
the Gandharvas also sing his praises ,,,,,,,,,,,
the Apsarās dance before his chariot,,,,,,,,,,,
The Nāgas arrange the chariot ropes ,,,,,,,,,,,
the Yakṣas harness the horses to the chariot,,,,,,,,,,,
while the powerful Rākṣasas push from behind.,,,,,,,,,,,
12.11.text number
how every month the entourage of sun god changes
Text No., Sun-god,Sage,Nāga,Apsarā,Rākṣasa,Yakṣa,Gandharva,Month,
33, Dhātā, Pulastya,Vāsuki,Kṛtasthalī,Heti,Rathakṛt,Tumburu,Madhu
34, Aryamā, Pulaha,Kacchanīra,Puñjikasthalī,Praheti,Athaujā,Nārada,Mādhava
35, Mitra,Atri,Takṣaka,Menakā,Pauruṣeya,Rathasvana,Hāhā,Śukra
36, Varuṇa,Vasiṣṭha,Śukra,Rambhā,Sahajanya,Citrasvana,Hūhū,Śuci
37, Indra,Aṅgirā,Elāpatra,Pramlocā,Varya,Śrotā,Viśvāvasu,Nabhas
38, Vivasvān,Bhṛgu,Śaṅkhapāla,Anumlocā,Vyāghra,Āsāraṇa,Ugrasena,Nabhasya,
39, Pūṣā,Gautama,Dhanañjaya,Ghṛtācī,Vāta,Suruci,Suṣeṇa,Tapas
40, Parjanya,Bharadvāja,Airāvata,Senajit,Varcā,Ṛtu,Viśva,Tapasya
41, Aṁśu,Kaśyapa,Mahāśaṅkha,Urvaśī,Vidyucchatru,Tārkṣya,Ṛtasena,Sahas
42, Bhaga,Āyur,Karkoṭaka,Pūrvacitti,Sphūrja,Ūrṇa,Ariṣṭanemi,Puṣya
43, Tvaṣṭā,Jamadagni,Kambalāśva,Tilottamā,Brahmāpeta,Śatajit,Dhṛtarāṣṭra,Iṣa
44, Viṣṇu,Viśvāmitra,Aśvatara,Rambhā,Makhāpeta,Satyajit,Sūryavarcā,Ūrja
HPS-ASA ... we, agtSP, saw a n epic dance presentation in Manipura of glorification of the sun God by young international Muslim dancers and his troupe.
Was spectacular.