Lalita Madhava News

12 years, 10 months ago by LalitaMadhavadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !
Jay Sri Vrindavam Dham !
My respect and secure service at your lotus feets dear guruji.
News of his fool student
what im doing:
-16 rounds
-4 regulations
-2 to 3 times per week worship to deities.
-1 Time a week cooking deities  
-Sunday feast
-12 Hours kirtan once a month, meet in June one year!   Jaya(few godbrothers participating, but continue)
-Musical benefit to the temple( April 21 )   Many musicians doing service,many friends.
-Considering Vraja as my only home.

Im doing wrong even:
-Chant the Gayatri mantra with concentration
-I do not read every day
-Im mentally offensive
-and much more...

For now I will stay in Chile, but that has consequences.I hope to remain single until you get someone really indicated and if not expressed, it is also good for me.
Many times if i dont hear his advice, i dont know what i must to do.

Hope to be useful in some for you.
Pranams and Dandavats gurudeva.
Jay Jay Sri Radhe !
Lalita Madhava Das

HpS -  ASA    ---    AGTSP         paoho         It is very refreshing to hear from you!     Please write more often as you can.     Your schedule sounds, good.    You just need to get a taste for reading Srila Prabhupada's books.       That needs association.     What about making a little association to read and discuss Las "Ensenanzas de Caitanya Mahaprabhu"?         Find one study partner.  Divide the book in to little sections and then read them and discuss then together at the Temple or other place.   Can make small notice about your group and invite others to join your reading circle!!!!!

After you get taste for reading then you will be able to advance the theme of Ashrama dharma: B'cari, Grhastha, Vanapra', Sanyasa.      Vraja is only for the Sannyasis.   Ha!          Ha!                          H a r e !