DTC Sa[28]

3 weeks, 6 days ago by hps in DTC

"Hare Krishna, Maharaj


How is you dham visit going on ?

How is your health?"

HpS/ASA - We, agtSP, have been trying to do Twitter posts ever since we left Nashville.

Haven't been able to Follow us on Twitter?




Then 25-hours with Yadu Swami many other devotees to reach Braja and Radha-kunda!

So many visitors from Manipur, Argentina, Australia et al.

Very intense schedule for two days, then 3rd day virus, no water, two more days water but no food.

Body is no fever now but digestion is very weak, so only take little Prasadam.

Radha-kunda is very merciful.

Still proceeding to go blind, deaf, dumb, senile externally,

but learning to increase life internally.

Hare Krsna

Hare Rama.