Nueva Govardhana. Montemorelos

3 months, 3 weeks ago by gadadhara_hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Por favor. acepte mis reverencias

todas las Glorias Srila Prabhupada y al movimiento de Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Agradecemos a la Suprema personalidad De Dios Govinda por permitirnos su asociación y poder aspirar a volvernos vaisnavas . después de estar ausente por algún tiempo estuve pensando y reflexionando como ser un mejor sirviente , y entendí que el trabajo y el esfuerzo externo solo genera ansiedad y perturbación de la mente . adicto al café mi inteligencia estuvo confundida pero por la misericordia sin causa nos restablecemos en el servicio estable través del estudio de srimad bhagavatam y 16 Rondas. ahora empezamos Bhaktivaibhava tercer canto con Radhika Nagar Prabhu y nuestra inteligencia se esta purificando. al ver oka Humildad de Vidura., tus clases son buena referencia para estudiar y tener un buen entendimiento .

logramos constituir una Asociación Civil , Nueva Govardhana Montemorelos , ante el gobierno de Mexico gracias a la ayuda de miembros dedicados a obtener resultados (Guna Vira Prabhu. y Bhakta Diego) conformamos presidente , secretario y tesorero , hay miembros vitalicios que aportan mensualmente económicamente. , . el próximo mes de octcubre estará llegando Prabhu Hari Cakra dicipulo de Prabhupada , el esta en Málaga España ,pero el siente una responsabilidad DE PREDICA en Latinoamérica y quiere que distribuyamos libros y nos asociemos para establecer un programa fuerte en Montemorelos .

nuestro sistema de agricultura esta funcionando poco esfuerzo y mucho resultado , el restaurante y el Hostal cada ves mejor ,,estamos importando al Chef Narayan Para prabhu de argentina. nuestro hermano espiritual esta interesado en ventor. a Monterrey a trabajar en el restaurante.

Gurudeva lo extraño mucho y en cualquier momento voy a buscarlo a Radha kunda y escuchar su kirtan , perdone por mis ofensas estoy madurando y entendiendo el gran tesoro de Bhakti .

estoy reportando al GBC mis actividades. y le agradezco por apreciar mi entusiasmo y resaltar que es mejor la acción que la inacción. o la pasión que la ignorancia , el santo nombre aporta los nutrientes para cultivar bondad y servir mejor .

La vida en familia es como una fortaleza que me protege y me ayuda a estar a salvo , con la ocupación constante y la supervisión de mi esposa puedo ser moralmente ejemplar sin duda ahora aprecio mas que nunca era ashram de grihasta , tengo muchas memorias y consejos que guardo en mi corazón y estoy eternamente agradecido a usted por ABRIRME LOS OJOS CON TANTO AMOR Y SABIDURIA. .

seguimos. haciendo planes y arreglos para conquistar y seguir en la lucha en el Sankirtan , entendemos que ISKCON es una institución joven con conocimiento milenario y estamos entendiendo nuestra posición , soy lento entendiendo pero no claudico en mi proceso ,solo necesito tiempo para pensar y tener una mejor perspectiva.

agradecemos y estamos para servirle.

su aspirante a sirviente el caído Gadadhara Gosai Das de Mexico


Please accept my obeisances

All Glories Srila Prabhupada and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Sankirtan movement.

We are grateful to the Supreme Personality of Godhead Govinda for allowing us his association and being able to aspire to become Vaisnavas. After being absent for some time I was thinking and reflecting on how to be a better servant, and I understood that work and external effort only generate anxiety and disturbance of the mind. Addicted to coffee my intelligence was confused but by causeless mercy we are restored to stable service through the study of Srimad Bhagavatam and 16 Rounds. Now we are starting Bhaktivaibhava third canto with Radhika Nagar Prabhu and our intelligence is getting purified. Seeing Oka Humility of Vidura, your classes are good reference to study and have a good understanding.

HpSwami / ASA --- AgtSP!! Paoho. We must echo a lot of what you say.

We have not been able to answer posts here in the Blog, your posts, even though we want to.

No coffee but too many popsicles.

Now we are in Spain, rural community like your Monterrey community but older.

So much they have learned.

Hope you all can visit here sometime and Yadu Swami and others visit you.

The world is obviously terrrible, so, so many people are looking for solution.

You have it.

We have it.

We were able to form a Civil Association, New Govardhana Montemorelos, before the Mexican government thanks to the help of members dedicated to obtaining results (Guna Vira Prabhu and Bhakta Diego). We are the president, secretary and treasurer. There are lifelong members who contribute monthly financially. Next October, Prabhu Hari Cakra, a disciple of Prabhupada, will be arriving. He is in Malaga, Spain, but he feels a responsibility to PREACH in Latin America and wants us to distribute books and join forces to establish a strong program in Montemorelos.

ASA -- Hope you can get at least one more person to be Secretary/Treasurer!!!

Our agricultural system is working with little effort and a lot of results. The restaurant and the hostel are getting better and better. We are importing Chef Narayan Para Prabhu from Argentina. Our spiritual brother is interested in vending. He will come to Monterrey to work in the restaurant.

ASA - He is also champion Judo teacher!!

Gurudeva, I miss you very much and at any moment I will look for you at Radha Kunda and listen to your kirtan. Please forgive my offenses. I am maturing and understanding the great treasure of Bhakti.

I am reporting my activities to the GBC and I thank you for appreciating my enthusiasm and emphasizing that action is better than inaction. Or passion than ignorance. The holy name provides the nutrients to cultivate goodness and serve better.

Family life is like a fortress that protects me and helps me stay safe. With the constant occupation and supervision of my wife I can be morally exemplary. Without a doubt, I appreciate the Grihasta ashram more than ever. I have many memories and advice that I keep in my heart and I am eternally grateful to you for OPENING MY EYES WITH SO MUCH LOVE AND WISDOM.

HpS - 🐵 👍 👍 👍

Let's continue. Making plans and arrangements to conquer and continue the fight in Sankirtan, we understand that ISKCON is a young institution with ancient knowledge and we are understanding our position, I am slow to understand but I do not give up in my process, I just need time to think and have a better perspective.

HpS - 😃 We remember that Srila Prabhupada said, "So, you can make plans for serving Krsna, but better to just chant Hare Krsna.".

Plans for Sankirtan!!!

16/4 for Sankirtant  

We are grateful and we are here to serve you.

Your aspiring servant, the fallen Gadadhara Gosai Das of Mexico.