Report from Houston

1 month, 1 week ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna GuruMaharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you so much for writing me!

Yesterday I was trying to recuperate from Radhastami...I drank too much of the Carinamrta. I thought it was natural fruit so it would be okay but I think the honey content was too strong. 

I was able to go on the altar and bathe Sri Sri Radha Giridhari with fruit juices on Radhastami!

And earlier on Radhastami me and Patita Pavana Prabhu went to the University of Houston downtown and distributed books. 

I distributed 30 books and he distributed I think close to 40 or 50. We are following the example of the Atlanta brahmacaris and so now we are selling the books as stacks. I distributed 6 stacks that day. 

I'm trying to add up all the books since January but it's taking longer than expected. I have done the math for about 4 months so far.

Also! I am missing the Japa call ever since you arrived in Spain... I need to look up the time difference. I miss being on the call. 

I'm going out on books maybe two days a week, Harinama one day a week, preaching programs two days a week, and whatever other time there is, it's filled with Bhogha runs and cleaning!

Thank you for everything, GuruMaharaja! 

Oh also, I am still chanting 16 rounds before mangal. Out of a year, it's about 300 days of rounds before mangal and 65 days almost before mangal.

Everything is possible by Krishna's mercy that flows through Srila Prabhupada and through you!! Thank you!

I pray every day that you can serve Srila Prabhupada! And that I can somehow get the sincerity to serve you!

Your aspiring servant,

Jaya Hari das