CMDD reporting

5 months, 3 weeks ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I have seen pictures from your visit to Richmond. I was overjoyed by seeing all the devotees that went to be with your very good self

I am not going to write much so that your vision is not affected.

I go to church every sunday with my sister. Last Friday it was the festivity of Santa Rosa de Lima so we went there. I couldn't go to Janmastami I hope to be able to go to Radhastami.

16 R ok

4P ok

Last August 28th, was the anniversary of the departure of my father 14 years has passed and I still can feel his presence within my heart I found some pictures when he was young, he went to Japan due to an scholarship that he got. He looked really happy I hope he is fine now

Ulyses is almost 14 years old but he seems still pretty strong

I hope to meet with you in person again if not as you said we meet here in the blog

Trying to be your disciple


HpS/ASA - Do they, Hare Krsna, dress their dietys, icons, in the church where you go?

The Catholic church in Murfreesboro is Santa Rosa!