Mangala Arati and India

5 months, 3 weeks ago by bhaktabigfoot in Other

Hare Krishna!

Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obessiances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you!

Guru Maharaja, I appreciated very much your point if we do FMP then why wouldn't we want to share it with others. It got me thinking quite a bit.

It got me thinking about my current service and if I should be asking the current devotees I lead to come to 4:30 managala arati with me. We currently make 5:50am the "mandatory". It was quite interesting that the next day we had a meeting where they said they want to come to 4:30 managla arati and it should be mandatory for them and something that new Bhaktas work towards. I was so happy, amazed and full of gratitude.

Gurudeva, I talked to Nityananda Prabhu about morning program. I expressed how important FMP is to us. You have always been clear in our wanting us to do FMP and it has penitrated my heart also. I asked him if I was to go to India with him what would our morning program look like. He is committed to 5am - 7:30am FMP. He understood and was appreciative of our communication.

What do you think Guru Maharaja?

Your servant,

Nanda-braja das

HpS - Is, agtSP, a big topic.

On this traveling partys as we have heard Srila Prabhupada was very very heavy about devotees not getting up by about 6.30AM. For that delay he was The Great Destructor.

When I was with H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami, my esteemed Sannyasa Guru, Siksa guru... !

He would not be up and in Mangala arati at times during our program organization.

His disciples, others in the Ashrama would often follow this program.

He was a more action oriented person than myself. We both knew this.

He got stuff done.

Yet, we would do our Dharma, he did not object.

We and our Lord Nrsmha deva would be up and chanting and dancing even though we were like 20% less weight from the heat etc of Calcutta.

He looked hot.

We learned so much about Prana and Yoga then.

Then, it gave us strength the whole day 💪

We will always be stronger in some sense than other devotees and weaker in others.

We should not focus on criticizing others because it will only agitate their mnds.

Out of maybe 9 devotees in the Ashrama in Calcutta in 1987, preparing for the BI congress about three more would get up and join us for the Mangala arati.

Maharaja appreciated our persepective. Thanked us.

Maybe same arrangement for you in India.