Next class date

7 months, 1 week ago by RiturajMajumder in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Srila Gurudev

All glory to Srila Prabhupada

All glory to you Srila Gurudev

I request you to kindly let me know the date of the next class for the Manipur yatra.

The next Saturday is on (3/8/24) or the next (10/8/24)

The topic can be chosen by Srila Gurudev according to him.

I would love to learn about Arjun and Hamlet in class.

Thank you for all the association.

Rturaj Krsna Das


HpS/ASA - Thank you, Prabhu.


Any news from Mukunda Pujari.

We have marked for 2024 August 10,

8AM Houston USA Time.

6.30PM IST.

We started 'Light of the Bhagavata', but we could do 'Hamlet and Arjuna'. 🙂👍👍

We can carry our self realization to the next body.

"nehabikramo naso 'sti..." about BG 2.38+??

Here is the link to the PPTX.

Translate into Manipuri? At least translator should read it first because translating Shakespeare to Manipuri is going to earn her a PhD.

Thank you.

Hope to see you in Nabadvipa with Nimai soon!