
6 months, 2 weeks ago by estefania in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Querido Gurudeva Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada🌺

. Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias: Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que no escribo, quisiera comentarle que mis rondas han estado estables, algunos días mas fáciles que otros. Por otra parte no he podido continuar con mi servicio de cocina y guirnaldas en el templo porque me encuentro con un problema de salud importante, pero ya se esta solucionando y la segunda semana de agosto me harán un operación en donde me van a extraer un quiste muy grande de mi ovario izquierdo y eso me impide hacer esfuerzos. He estado leyendo más, repasando Bhagavad gita, intentando tocar instrumentos y leyendo libros de Carl Jung para continuar mi servicio de reseñas de libros en NIOS. Quisiera compartir con usted que estoy en una relación con un devoto. Su nombre es NitaiPada, desde los 12 años es devoto, estudia mucho las escrituras, de profesión es Traductor y Profesor de Lenguaje y literatura; él siempre me esta enseñando. Estoy muy agradecida porque aporta mucho a mi vida espiritual. Su maestro espiritual es Bhakikavi Atulananda Swami. En nuestras actividades siempre esta leer ya que compartimos ese gusto y tocar instrumentos. Unas de las últimas lecturas a sido entorno a la importancia de tener un maestro espiritual y quisiera decirle que estoy eternamente agradecida por aceptarme, usted es un gran inspiración para mi y siempre mi deseo es ayudar en su Sarkintan. El maestro espiritual es el sol de nuestro vida espiritual y siempre nos mantenemos conectados a través del santo nombre. Por ultimo, en este tiempo he intentado tocar mridanga, gracias su misericordia eso va en buen camino 🙏

Para terminar le comparto algunas fotografías de mi últimos servicios y actuales.

Muchas gracias por toda su misericordia y gran asociación querido Gurudeva.🌺


Havihsara Devi Dasi.


Hare Krishna, Dear Gurudeva, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada🌺

Please accept my humble obeisances: It has been a long time since I last wrote,

hps/asa - eight, agtSP, months?

I would like to tell you that my rounds have been stable, some days easier than others.

On the other hand, I have not been able to continue with my cooking and garland service at the temple because I am having a major health problem, but it is already being resolved and the second week of August I will have an operation where they will remove a very large cyst from my left ovary and that prevents me from making efforts.

I have been reading more, reviewing Bhagavad gita, trying to play instruments and reading books by Carl Jung to continue my book review service at NIOS.

I would like to share with you that I am in a relationship with a devotee. His name is Nitai-Pada, he has been a devotee since he was 12 years old, he studies the scriptures a lot, he is a Translator and Professor of Language and Literature by profession; he is always teaching me.

I am very grateful because it contributes a lot to my spiritual life. His spiritual master is Bhaktikavi Atulananda Swami.

In our activities we always read since we share that taste and play instruments. One of the last readings has been about the importance of having a spiritual master and I would like to tell you that I am eternally grateful for accepting me, you are a great inspiration for me and my desire is always to help in your Sankintan.

The spiritual master is the sun of our spiritual life and we always stay connected through the holy name. Finally, during this time I have tried to play mridanga, thanks to your mercy that is going in the right direction 🙏

To finish I share with you some photographs of my last and current services.

Thank you very much for all your mercy and great association dear Gurudeva.🌺


Havihsara Devi Dasi.

HpS - AgtSP. Atulananda Swami was follower of Paramadvaiti Swami?

He is outside of the ISKCON institution?

Such a relationship can work but is unusual. Require creativity and sincerity.

Middle picture is of you an Nitai-pada?

Is he same age as you?

Thank you!