All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru Maharaj HH Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj. Please accept our humble obeisances at Your sweet Lotus feet.
HpSwami - Characteristic of out Siddha-deha.
Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj,
Thank you very much for the wonderful, ecstatic Saturday class...we long to hear more and more.
As for the political situation here in Manipur, it is far from okay! Anything can flare up anytime. Only Your mercy has protected us and our services to Sri RadhaGovinda!
We wish to serve Guru Maharaj and all the wonderful devotees accompanying Guru Maharaj at Sri RadhaKund. We wish to bring our Manipur cultural troupe along with us so that we all can serve Guru Maharaj and all the devotees, especially HH Yadunanda Swami. We only wish we could serve all the Vaishnavas at Manipura....we wait but with bleeding arms! Mataji Joybi has an ashram at RadhaKund, very near to Guru Maharaj's ASA, RadhaKund. Should any of the devotees need accommodation, kindly give us the seva.
We look forward to serving Guru Maharaj at RadhaKund. We discussed with HH Bhakti Anand Haridas Goswami Maharaj about Guru Maharaj's visit to Manipur . And we had the same conclusion...not really the safest of times to visit Manipura.
We sent some pics and videos of this year's Rathyatra services through Rituraj Krsna Das...for Guru Maharaj's pleasure.
Started learning instructed by Guru Maharaj. Indeed...lot of similarities with Ingles and Hindi! Thank you Guru Maharaj.
Your insignificant servant
Sarad Gaurangi DD
HPSWAMI-ASA - Thank, agtSP, you, for this definitive answer
Br. Sadhubhusana Das was encouraging us.
We want to visit, but at this time seems best for us to stay based in Sri Vrndavana Dhama for all three weeks.
Will inform Yadu Swami.
Maybe we can make a movie to send there from Vraja.