Please advise

3 months ago by bhaktabigfoot in Special Category A

Hare Krishna!

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you


I hope you are well.

HpS - With some enfirmities but with good hopes to recover by Krsna and Guru Krpa!

Things are going well here in Radha-Kalachandji dham, I can see practically that I am making some advancement. I appreciate that you have given me so much mercy and encouragement. I see it in my life in such an amazing way and I feel so fortunate having your association.

I have a great opportunity in that Nityananda Prabhu has asked me to travel to India with him for 5 months starting in September for teaching Krishna consciousness and helping him in his program teaching.

His program that he has been working on is taking off and we are working on it with him.

He is very encouraging and a great inspiration for me here in Radha-Kalachandji dham, I really owe him so much for being able to thrive here.

We recently had 7 days of intensive training that was over 2 long weekends, it was very fun for me, and I am very exciting to help.

We have talked to Aditi about this, and she has given her blessing. She sees it as something that would be very good for me and supports it, although it's difficult for her in that we have never been away from each other for so long. It's quite amazing she is supporting me in this adventure.

HpS/ASA - She has been like a piece of rock-solid foundation in your spiritual life, no?

Guru Maharaja, this is important decision for me, and I would appreciate your blessing for this trip if it is something you would like me to do. I feel like it's an opportunity for, an important direction for my life (vanaprastha) 🤔, however what good is any opportunity if it's not pleasing to the Spiritual master? Please tell me what you would be most pleasing to you.

Your servant,

Nanda-braja das

HpS/ASA - How is your Team Leader, Lord Nityananda Das' Mangala arati performance?