Saranagati Dasi reporte desde New Vrindavan

7 months, 1 week ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Querido Gurudeva por favor acepte mis reverencias tiene ya mucho tiempo que no me reporto con usted pero seguimos intentando desarrollar un poco de amor por Krishna, la última vez que pude hablarle fue en su última visita a México ahí le comenté que queríamos mudarnos a New Vrindavan con toda la familia, ahora ya cumplimos un mes que estamos viviendo aquí dentro de la comunidad y bajo la protección de Radha Vrindavan Candra.

Estamos muy contentos de estar aquí, el lugar es muy lindo y la comunidad de devotos es muy inspiradora en muchos aspectos estoy intentando recuperar mi sadhana y asistir a mangalartic algunos días a la semana en compañía de Gopi Radha que me motiva a asistir al programa matutino al templo.

Querido Gurudeva estamos orando para poder verlo muy pronto 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

PD. Adjunto algunas fotos


Hare Krishna

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Dear Gurudeva please accept my obeisances, it has been a long time since I last reported to you but we continue trying to develop a little love for Krishna,

the last time I was able to speak to you was on your last visit to Mexico there I told you that we wanted to move to New Vrindavan with the whole family, now we have been living here for a month within the community and under the protection of Radha Vrindavan Candra.

We are very happy to be here, the place is very nice and the community of devotees is very inspiring in many aspects I am trying to recover my sadhana and attend mangalartic a few days a week in the company of Gopi Radha who motivates me to attend the morning program at the temple.

Dear Gurudeva we are praying to see you very soon 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

PS. I am attaching some photos

HpS - Thank you!!

Do some work!!

Invest a little time making Yoga partners, with you you wake up, compare Jaya scores, Sankirtan.


So.... SO.... S O ....... good to hear from you.

We think of you sometimes and wonder where you are!

Just because you are alive we know that you have learned a lot.

Sagacious Aunt, Saranagati Dasi.

Radharani is going bonkers!

You were supposed to be the Manjari who helped comb Her hair, but you are dabbling in the material play ground!

Get it together.

She will have to appear before Krsna with Her hair like a haystack.

Picture attached.