Urgent news_Report from Lalita Gopi DD

3 months, 1 week ago by dolores lalita chavez in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krsna Gurudeva,

Solamente me estoy reportando, aunque no son noticias urgentes. Y es que solamente retome el Priority Code que nos dio durante el programa del domingo pasado, 30 de junio 2024. Angirasa (ACBSD) y yo estamos bien, aunque mi caso es que tengo problemas con presencias sutiles. Así como el de la mataji Divya Drsti, quien en algún tiempo expresó en un FMP. Nos hemos apegado a las oraciones para el Sr. Nsrimhadeva y eso nos ha ayudado mucho. Y, por supuesto, mi esposo me apoya mucho, ya que él también tiene la facultad de percibir dichos entes.

La rueda del tiempo nos está afectando en la salud y en nuestros apegos materiales. Cada vez mas le tememos a situaciones nuevas y al entorno, en general. Le agradezco su misericordiosa asociación en los programas de Mangala Aroti, que nos ha dado la constancia para perseverar en el canto del Santo Nombre y en el canto del gayatri. He estado cantando las 16 rondas, aunque cuando entro a clases, me vuelvo irregular.

Le agradezco su misericordiosa asociación en los programas de Mangala Aroti, que nos ha dado la constancia para perseverar en el canto del Santo Nombre y en el canto del gayatri. He estado cantando las 16 rondas, aunque cuando entro a clases, me vuelvo irregular.

Todavía estamos con el trámite del retiro de la UNAM y simultáneamente vamos a retomar impartir clases durante este semestre Otoño 2024, para poder participar (via Zoom) en el Congreso de Ecología y lo Sagrado. Asimismo, he estado tratando mejorar el nivel de inglés.

Hemos seguido de cerca la información sobre la fundación del North American Teacher Training College y los felicitamos por tan grande esfuerzo y la oportunidad de servicio para todos. Mi esposo y yo estamos analizando y tratando de hacer arreglos para poder visitarlos el próximo año 2025, con la intención de poder participar, según nuestras capacidades.

Que Krsna le brinde salud y nos permita seguir con su santa asociación.


I'm just reporting, although it's not urgent news. And I only returned to the Priority Code that you gave to us during the program last Sunday, June 30, 2024.

Angirasa (ACBSD) and I are fine, although my case is that I have problems with subtle presences. As well as that of Mataji Divya Drsti, who at some time expressed in FMP.

We have stuck to prayers for Mr. Nsrimhadeva and that has helped us a lot. And, of course, my husband supports me a lot, since he also has the ability to perceive these entities.

The wheel of time is affecting our health and our material attachments. More and more we fear new situations and the environment, in general.

I thank you for your merciful association in the Mangala Aroti programs, which has given us the perseverance to chant the Holy Names and gayatri. I have been doing 16 rounds, although when I go to class, I become irregular.

We are still in the process of withdrawing from UNAM and simultaneously we are going to teach classes during this Fall 2024 semester, to be able to participate (via Zoom) in the Congress of Ecology and the Sacred.

Likewise, I have been trying to improve my English level.

We have closely followed the information about the founding of the North American Teacher Training College and we congratulate you for such a great effort and the opportunities of service for everyone.

My husband and I are analyzing and trying to make arrangements to be able to visit them next year 2025, with the intention of being able to participate, according to our abilities.

May Krsna grant your health and allow us to continue your holy association.

Your useless servand

Lalita Gopi DD

HpS - Thank you for the news!!

Respects to Sriman Angira rasa Dasa.

What is the Congress of Ecology and the Sacred???

If we were intelligent we would be afraid of material life from very young age, but old age is a good friend of a devotee, so that we begin to be afraid of material situation.

Our short term memory, intelligence, like our hearing, diminishes, so we rely more on our intelligence, perspective, understanding, Buddhi.

Then we begin to see how fundamentally unstable, unintelligent is this world.

So..... Hari Bolo! We are more inclined to grab the rope that KRSNA is throwing, no?