the sun is at 10.39PM.
we are with a little vertigo.
very tired, but rather peaceful.
Every day seems to be
Battle of Kuruksetra, no?
We have to fight with Maya,
we make
Our wounds heal mostly,
but we can see there is permanent damage to our gross and subtle bodies and in the end this body will dissolve into the original five elements, eg. all the water in this body will evaporate and merge back into the original cluster of water, and the bones will dry out and turn to powder and stone chips.
we look at the mail and wish we had strength to do more.
many nice looking letters eg. one from Smt. Asta sakhi Devi Das.
lot of local work.
with Sri Hari Das and now with the rest of the family: Shyama Sakhi and Subhadra mayi Devi Dasi.
Getting a shooting schedule ready for our next movie: Reporting of Sita to Rama.
Community development.
Building Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan team.
So much expert work to do!
ISKCON is in the Third Level.
Lettuce look at three letters😃
THank yoU 🐵