3 months, 3 weeks ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS/ASA - Very nice letter, edited a little by Monkey//Piggy.

Hare Krishna, Maharaj 

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you and Srila Prabhupada.


thank you

for allowing me to serve you.

I am glad you liked it.

ASA - Fully reconditioned, 1st Class, HP Elite Book, Back-up Computer.


Now about Sangkirtan,

  • I read and listen to Srila Gurudeva and Prabhupada's classes.
  • I also listen to classes on
  • Bhisma stuti,
  • Caitanya Bhagavat
  • and many of H. H. Radha Govind Maharaj's disciples.

Specially during Bhisma study, Gajendra lila and Caitanys Bhagavat, I become very emotional.

Not sure why but it is very forceful experience.

I like to chant alone and all the time in mornings.

I get up around 4:15 everyday and till my rounds are done I do not turn on computer.


Like Srila Gurudeva stated, I do not like to be controlled by dumb machine, PC or phone. 

Since original Temple management dissolved Temple Management Committee, I do not have any temple meetings. New Administrators have not formed any management structure.

Temple cameras, vidios and audios I hand it over to Abhaya for past year and a half.

Right now my daughter creates weekly temple darshan along with programs videos, that I play on temple monitors.

I set up two notebooks that play most of araties, kirtans and classes in temple room.

One computer for the pleasure of Sri Sri Jaggannath, Balava and lady Subhadra in Their separate Chapel. 

But that is all about it.

Let me know any corrections or changes for my sadhana.

HpS/ASA - Thank you very much for this practical picture. I think there are a lot of devotees in ISKCON like you... and me... We are basically involved in Vaidhi Bhakti, but have glimpses of Raganuga Bhakti.

We don't need to really change anything.

We will get inspiration for change just from the natural experiences, personal encounters, that happen by Krsna's attention.

It is not so much what we do but how we do it at this stage.

Also, how we find ways to preach in our regular work environment.

Our smile, our comportment, our words and three powerful tools we have for preaching, says Srila Prabhupada.

All of these can be used in our regular social dealings.

We can smile when everyone else is angry or sad.

We can stand and move with alacrity when everyone else is drooping.

We can talk about life from Gita and Bhagavata.

Chapter 10 - Among animals I am the lion!

Chapter 11 - Paramatma. Carl Jung. Meditation.

Krsna book and TLC for real Christians and real Muslims.
