AGTSP Guru Maharaja!

12 years, 11 months ago by Bhakta.PabloA.B in Personal Sadhana Reports
All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Srila Prabhupada and you Guru Maharaja.
I don't write You, long time ago; I hope all walks well with His programs and His health. Over here things remain the same, my rounds still cost a lot but I keep the service as well as I can.
I'm contributing to the bhakti vriksa of  mother Kalini Radha Devi Dasi, a disciple of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami, she is like my mother in the temple so I try to help as much as I can, I would ask respectfully blessings for her and her program.
I also wanted to tell that have come about deities of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai into my hands, and I think it would be great for my sadhana and so I can receive initiation me; so can serve all better. You think would be good?, Hopefully I can have that mercy.
HpS - ASA   -   Jaya!   AGTSP   Yes, keep Them and their situation clean. Offer them regular arati: Incense, flowers.  Chant Japa, Kirtan, Bhajan and read for Them   with a REGULAR SCHEDULE!
I also wanted to tell you we did a record label along with some devotees (Gopal Bhadra, Candrabhanu, Trivikrama and a disciple of H.H  Indradyumna Swami, Syama das Rasa.) to do what we like in terms of Krishna and preach to some young people who are confused, it's called Humble Records, sent him a picture of the logo attached
I hope to serve you better, and answer any questions you have for me, my most respectful obeisances.  
(excuse my bad grammar and writing
Bhakta Pablo Santiago-Chile.
HpS - ASA -   Oooof!    We cannot remember exactly who you are.   Result of not writing regularly?    You are Kung Fu teacher????    Your pastimes....