3 months, 3 weeks ago by Govardhana das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Dear Gurumaharaja


All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Wishing you good health, blessed by the mercy of Sri Krishna.

I am sending you my personal report, since the last time in November 2023, please apologize for the delay.

Now we are fine, we feel that we have improved a lot in our sadana, our rounds, our service,

we get up earlier,

we are doing physical exercises (calisthenics) to be more active.

The family is fine, as I told you, my wife is working in Abancay, 4 hours from Cusco, and my children are studying there too.

We go on weekends to be with them. The work is good, just because it is the public sector there are many changes, we may have to look for another job, we will see what is coming, we have to accept what Lord Sri Krishna gives us.

Regarding the Yatra activities in Cusco, we close 2023 with a distribution of Prasada to children for Christmas and with an end-of-year flourama.

Prabhu Baladeva das, from Argentina, visited us and gave us some workshops that changed our mind, personally, that we see the purpose we have as devotees and the commitment to Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON.

Before the arrival of Prabhu Baladeva, at the initiative of Prabhu Astavarga das, Prabhu Omkara Krishna das, is giving us Bhakti Vriksha classes, we understand that it is the basis for the expansion of the Congregation, we must constantly prepare ourselves to be servant leaders who facilitate people the tools to conduct themselves in devotional service for Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krishna.

The Group being formed is composed of: P. Anasraya Gopal and his wife Bhaktin Taki, P. Jagadisvara das, Bhakta Percy, Bhakta Johan and his wife Yogamaji devi dasi, Mataji Girisutarani and Bhaktin Margot and the servant of he Gds. All under the supervision of Prabhu Omkara Krishna das.

We are starting to organize programs, for example, today they were at the Casa de Campo of Bhakta Johan and Yogamaji dd, several devotees were there, it was very nice, I saw it only in photos, I did not participate, because as I told you, on weekends I am in Abancay with the family.

Also for almost a month we have been carrying out the Mangala Aratik On Line program, together with Prabhu Omkara das, Jagadisvara das and sometimes Bhakta Percy and Baltazar, devotees who are enthusiastic in devotional service, connect.

A long time ago I told you that I was starting to form a company to carry out some activities to support myself, this company has already been established this month, it is called: "HpS108 EIRL Corporation", where we will carry out commercial activities, consultancies, couching, etc., where we hope that we can help or involve the devotees, since some of these activities will have to do with devotional preaching, we have a pending conversation with LAD to finalize details.

We want you to help in some way with the support of a preaching center or why not a temple, please give your blessings so we can grow with this project.

More and more we realize that Lord Krishna makes arrangements for things to flow, for a long time I always leafed through the Bhakti Vriksa manual, which I carried years ago, but did not finish, in the time of Prabhu Raghuvaram, the instructor also It was P. Omkara, I didn't value it at that time. Dear Gurumaharaja, we have responsibilities with you, with Srila Prabhupada, which all boils down to service, we want to please you, we are not perfect, but through his mercy we will be able to serve you better, we are indebted to you Dear Gurumaharaja.

This week we will once again launch the readings of the Krishna Boock and Nights of Srila Prabhupada, on Saturdays, and the Srimad Bhagavatam classes on Sundays, both online, we will also continue organizing the sankritan in the squares, once or twice a month, know We are not Sankirtaneros, but through His mercy we can do everything, we have done that many times. All this based on the structure of Bhakti Vriksa, (VEDAS, Soul clinic and Maha Prasada, distribution of sacred foods).

Dear Gurumaharaja, we are very grateful to him, eternally, without his guidance we would only be unprotected and disoriented, we want to serve and please him, even if he is in hell itself, we just want to serve and please him. If you. departs to the Spiritual World, how should we act? What should we do? How can we continue serving Him?

Thank you very much Dear Gurumaharaja, his association in the FMP in recent years has been vital for my spiritual growth, there is no doubt that, without his mercy, we could not advance in this beautiful process of Sri Krishna Consciousness . May the mercy of Lord Sri Krishna always shower upon you. Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja!!!!

His worthless would-be servant.

Govardhana das


HpS/ASA - Is nice letter. Practical, but if you can send shorter letters more frequent is nicer.

What about a Radio Show?

I think you have the personality to connect with people, answers their questions, give comments on current situations, different events, restaurants, daily challenges.

Read from the Mahabharata.