Priyasakhi DD-Chile

4 months, 3 weeks ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Acepte por favor mis respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Espero que se encuentre muy bien.

Llevo mucho tiempo sin reportarme, pero nada ha cambiado.

Sigo con curso de Bhakti Sastri, y a un grupo pequeño en Curso de Bhaktas.

Estudiando Bhakti Vaibhava.

Leyendo Caitanya Caritamrta, adi-lila.

Desde este mes comenzamos un servicio (una vez al mes) para Sri Sri Goura Nitai del templo (ofrenda de bhoga y puja del mediodía).

Gurudev, debo decirle que casi no puedo interactuar en FMS ya que es la hora de preparar todo para llevar a los niños a la escuela. Cocinamos desayuno y almuerzo muy temprano, por eso me levanto más temprano para cantar japa.

Seguimos con la lectura del Krsna Book por la noche... un servicio eterno. Esperamos que los niños puedan hacer esta lectura cada noche cuando sean más grandes.

Hemos estado celebrando las festividades en nuestra casa o en casa de devotos, que también tienen niños. Las fiestas son en la semana, por eso es un poco difícil ir al templo.

También visitamos muy seguido a amigos devotos con quienes cantamos, y cocinamos para Krsna.

Los niños están en otra escuela. Encontramos profesores y niños veganos y vegetarianos, personas ligadas al yoga, más intelectuales y con más valores. Aunque cualquier lugar puede ser adecuado para ser devoto, estos ambientes pueden ser favorables.

Estamos tranquilos, felices en conciencia de Krsna. Haciendo todo con más devoción.

Espero que estas noticias puedan ser agradables para usted.

Nunca pido Sus bendiciones, pero espero seamos dignos de ellas.

Adjunto algunas fotografías.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priyasakhi DD y familia.


Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories be to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are well.

HpS - The same tooth that rotted and had to be pulled recently on the right side, seems to be now rotting on the left side. Doctor said it might happen. 🙂

Seems that not just our old age but also Kali-yuga is reminding us that everything can change a lot at any moment. So making plans for the next few months or years is necessary, but we need to be really ready to adjust, taking constant shelter of the the Holy Names as giving us intelligence to plan.

I haven't reported for a long time, but nothing has changed.

I continue with the Bhakti Sastri course, and a small group in the Bhaktas Course.

Studying Bhakti Vaibhava.

Reading Caitanya Caritamrta, adi-lila.

HpS - Hope it never changes, just gets deep and broader!

From this month we start a service (once a month) for Sri Sri Goura Nitai of the temple (bhoga offering and midday puja).

HpS - Super. Wonderful if all the Grhasthas do this! Different family every night each week.

Gurudev, I must tell you that I can hardly interact at FMS as it is time to prepare everything to take the children to school. We cook breakfast and lunch very early, so I get up earlier to chant japa.

HpS - Fine, fine. For Maite it is like 10.30AM! 🙂

We continue reading the Krsna Book at night... an eternal service. We hope the children can do this reading every night when they are older.

We have been celebrating the festivities at our house or at the houses of devotees, who also have children. The holidays are during the week, so it is a little difficult to go to the temple.

We also visit devotee friends very often with whom we sing, and cook for Krsna.

The children are in another school. We find vegan and vegetarian teachers and children, people linked to yoga, more intellectual and with more values. Although any place can be suitable to be a devotee, these environments can be favorable.

We are calm, happy in Krsna consciousness. Doing everything with more devotion.

I hope this news can be pleasant for you.

I never ask for His blessings, but I hope we are worthy of them.

I attach some photographs.

Your would-be servant

Priyasakhi DD and family.

HpS/ASA - Thank you, Prabhu. How old are your children? What is your esteemed husband doing.

All these things may seem like little things. but now many people in the world now are chanting 16-rounds per day under Srila Prabhupada's authority? There are Mangala aratis going on 24-hours per day, now?

Result will accumulate. It is like blades of grass growing and eventually pushing over a big building.

Such nice photos! We added some Prairie Dogs!