Request for visiting Manipur

4 months, 4 weeks ago by sadhubhusandas@bsds in Calendar Development

Current ASA Calendar


10th - HpS: >> to Madrid with Yadu Swami. Return ticket = 3rd December.

Maybe.... Go to India during Madrid stay. What do you think? Just go and stay in Manipur???


Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you Maharaja.

Maharaja, we, even if fools, are always ready to serve you in Manipur. We have very humble and simple facilities, but you have been always merciful to us by happily accepting whatever simple things we have offered to you during your stays in Manipur. I, on behalf of ISKCON Manipur devotees, am really thanking you from the core of my heart for your love for all of us in Manipur.

Maharaja, please come and stay in Manipur for 1 month or 2 months or 1 year or as par Maharaja desires. Please bless all of us by your physical presence in Manipur. We are ready to humbly offer to and for tickets for Spain and India, and bear the other required additional expenses too.

Your humble servant

Sadhubhusan das

ISKCON Manipur

HpS/ASA - AgtSP, paoho. AgtHH BSDM.

your letter makes me very sad. it is very heartbreaking that you offer us such hospitality. we do not deserve to visit such a celestial place or people as manipur and manipura vaisnava. yet we want to.

we can generate some funds for the trip, but would have to have a care taker to accompany us.

political situation is manageable?

Nectar Of Devotion seminar?

🌠 We just talked with Yadunandana Swami. He is very, very close friend in ISKCON. He is from Spain. Disciple of Satsvarupa Swami. Regional administrator in Spain. Academic. BI/BsdM mood all the way.

We will go from USA to Spain with him 10th September. Then he must go to teach in Vrndavana 19th - 26th.

So we could travel together and then after he teaches in Vrndavana we could go to Manipur together.

He wants some place to write essays from the SB.

Is Manipura good for that?

He would naturally be fantastic cultural ambassador of Manipur in the West.

Stay one/two weeks?

Then back to Spain for Rama vijayotsava on October 12th.

What do you think?

I would like to stay for ever in Manipur.

Maybe we have to die to do that.