report 2024 may 18

8 months, 2 weeks ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

last letter

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, agtSP, PAmho.

HpS/ASA - 

In the previous leeter [letter] you wrote --"so nice, agtSP, to get your association. your mercy has always been big, big, thing for us. we have big debt to you, that we try to repay."

we were asked by Parth Pratim Prabhu above as

so nice, agtSP, to get HpS's association. HpS mercy has always been big, big, thing for harsh pradhan. harsh pradhan have big debt to HpS, that we try to repay.

ASA🐵 - How many days did you sleep in the library, on the floor, in the Kolkatta Temple to get the Symposium with the Indian Museum and NIOS to happen! Etc!!!

Wonderful .. regarding VishnuSashtra nama, it takes 30 minutes if chanted without error and meter.

Frankly speaking this worked for us, because it is complex, one has to be alert with calligraphy of alphabets while reading.

Our pronunciation of words can be wrong so one has to speak clearly.

Moreover one has to hear the reciter and then speak.

So eyes, ears, speech all our [are] becomes humble seeing his own mistakes.

it is intense. and after effect of this is that in our mind, the meter and wording re-verberate.

we have still not gone in to meanings.

HpS/ASA - 🐵 🐷 👳... 🔬 WONDERFUL!!! It will take you up. You can help Madhu-mangala in his pujas for Krsna and Radhika...

Hare Krsna Mantra seems quite elevated where the meaning could be anything while chanting. we doze off many times because because it is repetitative, and there is no fixed meaning to contemplate even when we are not chanting from mouth.

HpS/ASA - There are also Prayers by Personified Vedas in SB..??!...

things are better. waiting for Krsna/ Parampara {K/P} [our acronym] to respond through you.

purpose of life as of now- to chant HK/HR properly with meaning, and inspire others.

trying to Das of Hayagriva-Avatar

in Bangalore, Hayagriva-Laxmi temple is known as Exam God Temple, because Hayagriva has perfect memory and recitation. {exam god}{its in Kannada regional language}

ASA - We also scanned the Wikipedia!

The 1728 Maha-mantras are a deal between Srila Prabhupada us and God. Every trick, austerity, for initiated devotee to chant them as best as possible is highest austerity.

Break them into sections of four for different parts of the day.

Sing them for diety of Mahaprabhu.


As usual, this is a private challenge for all of us, and then it is a private reward to see how we have helped Radha offer something nice to Krsna [Who is very nice] that only we could do.

Sahasra nama seems very nice.