Email address please

4 months, 3 weeks ago by Lone ranger in Other

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj :


Dandavats pranams at your feet .

I would like to inform you about some important decisions that I m taking for my near future ,but at this stage are not to share with the participants of ASA ‘s blog ,so I need to ask You if it’s possible to facilitate me an email address of yours ??

I used to have one before ,but I m not sure if it’s still the same .

It is not urgent but I think ,I should communicate stuff that involves life changing decisions to You .

Also I wrote my annual report before ,hope you got the time to read it .

Thank you in advance for your kind attention.

yhs .

Madhvacharya das .


HpS - We are, agtSP, using WhatsApp. Send us your WhatsApp phone number here and we will contact you. We will not share it here.
