Monkey- 1 | Soldado inútil

4 months, 4 weeks ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro muy misericordioso Srila Prabhupada, y todas las glorias a los devotos que son manifestaciones de esa misericordia. 🙇🌺

Orando constantemente a nuestro Señor Nrsmhadeva, le mantenga eternamente bajo su protección. 🙏

Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa guía, instrucción y ejemplo. Son el mayor aliciente para continuar con mi insignificante esfuerzo de ser parte de la trascendental orquesta de Srila Prabhupada.

Tengo muchos deseos de poder visitarlo en España. Un muy buen amigo (que es como un hermano) ha estado intentando ayudarme con eso. Sin embargo, estas últimas semanas la salud de mi cuerpo volvió a colapsar seriamente y por ahora no parece buena idea. (Me siento muy muy muy triste por eso). Aunque debo confesar, que algunas veces me es difícil valorar y entender la misericordia de nuestro Señor ¡Solo confío en que está ahí!.

Hace tiempo alguien me dijo “nadie quiere vivir con un enfermo”, creo que lo entiendo un poco. ¡Incluso para mí es muy difícil! Pero, aunque muchas veces me siento bastante inútil, acepto estas dificultades como la misericordia infinita de nuestras Señorías, además es seguro que me llegan mucho menos de las reacciones que merezco. Entonces vuelvo a mi limitada posición e intento ocuparme en servicio desde ahí (tanto como me es posible) es sorprendente, pero aún en esta condición siempre hay algo por hacer. ¡Krsna, el misericordioso Ki Jaya!

Gurudeva, en su respuesta a mi carta más reciente, usted me preguntó: “What kind of body do you want next?”

Meditamos profundamente en ello: 

Si a nuestro Señor le parece bien y por su infinita misericordia sin causa es posible… Únicamente aspiro poder estudiar la trascendental ciencia del Servicio Devocional bajo su guía. Poder estar cerca de usted, porque eso significará estar cerca de Srila Prabhupada y cerca de nuestro Señor.

Si nuestras Señorías lo consideran apropiado, quisiera tener un cuerpo apto para poder ofrecer un mejor servicio devocional, que me permita relacionarme armoniosamente con los vaisnavas, escuchar y cantar los Santos Nombres de nuestro Señor y Sus trascendentales pasatiempos. Y ser útil en este trascendental ejército de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (De sobra sé que no merezco nada de lo anterior, únicamente me queda implorar la misericordia de los devotos y de nuestras Señorías).

Por ahora, solo por su misericordia sin causa, hago tanto como me es posible con amor y sinceridad, esperando algún día poder ser útil a su Sankirtana. Muchas gracias por mantenernos vivos y en pie de lucha querido Gurudeva. Por favor acepte mis reverencias y cariño.

Su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


Hare Krsna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories be to our most merciful Srila Prabhupada, and all glories to the devotees who are manifestations of that mercy. 🙇🌺

HpS/ASA - 

By constantly praying to our Lord Nrsmhadeva, keep you eternally under his protection. 🙏

Thank you very much for his gracious guidance, instruction and example. They are the greatest incentive to continue with my insignificant effort to be part of Srila Prabhupada's transcendental orchestra.

ASA - 🎺 🥁 🎻

I really want to visit him in Spain. A very good friend (who is like a brother) has been trying to help me with that. However, these last few weeks my body's health has seriously collapsed again, and for now it doesn't seem like a good idea. (I feel very very very sad about that). Although I must confess, sometimes it is difficult for me to value and understand the mercy of our Lord. I only trust that he is there!

ASA - My personal experience was that when I could not go to Vrndavana for Kartika but went to Peru instead, first time, I was more in Vrndavana than I had ever been.

Come with us to Spain.

In spirit!!


BOdy - Pictures - Packages, and from their it is just a little step to Nabadvipa.

Some time ago someone told me “no one wants to live with a sick person”, I think I understand it a little.

Even for me it is very difficult!

But, although I often feel quite useless, I accept these difficulties as the infinite mercy of our Lordships, and it is certain that I receive much less of the reactions I deserve.

Then I return to my limited position and try to engage in service from there (as much as possible) it is surprising, but even in this condition there is always something to do. Krishna, the merciful Ki Jaya!

HpS - We have limited ability with our current human body and limited health. Yet, imagine how much more we can do than if we were in a cockroach body. 🐛

Your efforts remind us to use every breath to chant.

Gurudeva, in his response to my most recent letter, you asked me: “What kind of body do you want next?”

We meditate deeply on it:

If it seems good to our Lord and by his infinite causeless mercy it is possible... I only aspire to be able to study the transcendental science of Devotional Service under his guidance. Being able to be close to you, because that will mean being close to Srila Prabhupada and close to our Lord.

If our Lordships consider it appropriate, I would like to have a body capable of offering a better devotional service, which allows me to relate harmoniously with the Vaisnavas, listen to and chant the Holy Names of our Lord and the transcendental pastimes of him. And be useful in this transcendental army of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (I know very well that I do not deserve any of the above, I can only implore the mercy of the devotees and our Lordships).

HpS - I can only hear the sounds of Nimai and the town of Nadiya. Wackk, Rack, Quach, Quack!

Shall we all be young boyfriends of Nimai and Gadai???

Shall we all love Mother Sacci like our own mother?

For now, only out of His causeless mercy, I do as much as possible with love and sincerity, hoping one day to be useful to His Sankirtana. Thank you very much for keeping us alive and fighting, dear Gurudeva. Please accept my bows and affection.

His would-be disciple

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna.

We hope that the Tweets help.

It seems to be very good media for us now!!

Honestly, your association is very inspiring for all of use. Stay with us.