Jayanta (España)

9 months, 1 week ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Gurudev.Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

Espero que se encuentre entusiasta cuando reciba este mensaje. Por aquí seguimos intentando volvernos buenos devotos y aún tenemos que luchar por seguir nuestro sadhana y obligaciones con el guru. No es desagradable pero tampoco espontaneo. Gracias por su contestación a mi carta anterior:

Nimai se gradua mañana y se prepara para ir a la Universidad. Aún no tiene decidido 100% lo que va a estudiar. Aquí se suelen estudiar dos cosas a la vez y, parece que será derecho y también algo relacionado con economía, dirección de empresas o algo así. Tiene hasta septiembre para decidirlo.

En cuanto a los compañeros de estudio Bhakti Vaibhava hay varios conocidos: Con Karuna Sakti d.d. vamos por el cuarto módulo juntos. Hicimos el Canto 2, después el Canto 1, repetimos el Canto 2 y ahora estamos haciendo el Canto 3. Mas adelante se han ido uniendo otros devotos como Caturatma, Abhiram Thakur, Pati Prana d.d., Mathura Mani d.d., Guru Govinda d.d, y otros. Estoy feliz de estar en el grupo con buen profesor y buenos alumnos.

Ayer leí un articulo interesante sobre un libro de un Catedrático de Historia Antigua en la Universidad de Malaga y os comparto el link: https://www.eldebate.com/cultura/libros/20240504/trajano-gan-ying-sahadeva-encuentro-roma-china-india-siglo-ii_194263.html#utm_source=rrss-comp&utm_medium=wh&utm_campaign=fixed-btn . Es sobre un libro que ha escrito este catedrático explicando las conexiones que habían hace siglos entre las culturas india, china y romana (oriente y occidente). Es bueno saber que hay algunos académicos que citan periodos históricos de épocas védicas. (habla sobre tres personajes históricos como Gang Ying en China, Trajano en Europa (nacido en Sevilla) y Sahadev, uno de los cinco Pandavas en India). Creo que es algo curioso que no hayamos detectado a este académico español.

Esperamos con alegría su futura asociación y poder hacer algún humilde servicio para su bienestar.


ss (su sirviente)

Jayanta das


Hare Krishna, Gurudev. Pamho. TgaSP and his loyal followers.

HpS/ASA -Jaya! 🐵👍

I hope you are enthusiastic when you receive this message.

ASA - 67-93%

Over here we are still trying to become good devotees and we still have to struggle to follow our sadhana and obligations to the guru. It's not unpleasant but it's not spontaneous either.

ASA - Is your intellect spontaneously convinced that it will be productive, even if your senses may be a little torpid?

Thank you for your response to my previous letter:

Nimai graduates tomorrow and prepares to go to university. He has not yet decided 100% what he is going to study. Here you usually study two things at the same time and, it seems that it will be law and also something related to economics, business management or something like that. He has until September to decide.

ASA - Why not Law and History?

As for Bhakti Vaibhava's fellow students there are several acquaintances: With Karuna Sakti d.d. Let's go through the fourth module together. We did Canto 2, then Canto 1, we repeated Canto 2 and now we are doing Canto 3. Later other devotees have joined such as Caturatma, Abhiram Thakur, Pati Prana d.d., Mathura Mani d.d., Guru Govinda d.d, and others . I am happy to be in the group with a good teacher and good students.

ASA - You seem to be one of the most fortunate people in the world. Would you trade your position for the Pope, Putin??

Yesterday I read an interesting article about a book by a Professor of Ancient History at the University of Malaga and I share the link:

https://www.eldebate.com/cultura/libros/20240504/trajano-gan-ying-sahadeva-encuentro -rome-china-india-2nd-century_194263.html#utm_source=rrss-comp&utm_medium=wh&utm_campaign=fixed-btn .

It is about a book that this professor has written explaining the connections that existed centuries ago between Indian, Chinese and Roman cultures (east and west). It is good to know that there are some scholars who cite historical periods from Vedic times. (talks about three historical figures such as Gang Ying in China, Trajan in Europe (born in Seville) and Sahadev, one of the five Pandavas in India). I think it is somewhat curious that we have not detected this Spanish academic.

ASA - Could you understand enough about the book from the article to see if he had substantial evidence for his thesis? The Pandavas lived in Dvarpara Yuga. Has he appreciated that factor?

Thank you!!

We look forward with joy to his future association and to be able to do some humble service for his well-being.

Thank you

ss (his servant)

Jayanta das

HpS/ASA - Can you help us with some plans for our visit to Spain?