Houston Visit

10 months, 3 weeks ago by srinivasacarya in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisance at your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhuada.

hpS/ASA - P a o h o!!!

Following up on our What'sApp conversation regarding https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/14894/

Could you please let me know which days you are open to give morning SB class at the temple during your visit?

HpS/ASA - I guess every day except Sunday since we have Upa Indra Das' class on line at that time.

Of course, not more that one or maybe.... two classes/day.

We could, would like, to make presentation, 20th, Monday, evening for Jayananda Das!


However, we can join any Nrsmha - 14 program is wonderful.

We very much want to hear SB from others also!!

What time are you currently schedule to leave on the 27th? Could you do a Sunday feast evening class on the 26th?

ASA/TB - We are programed to fly from IAH at 7.25AM on Monday.

By your blessings HpS/could do Sunday Fist  lecture on the 26th.


Maybe you could extend your trip for some more days or a week? Some devotees feel the trip is too short!

TB/ASA - HpS et al tried his best to make the best programming for the visit! 😎. Should be back on the 28th to receive Sri Hari Das's return from New Biharvan on Tuesday.


Our travel really depends on KRSNA now!

We could run out the door and fly to Houston at any moment!

Thank you!

Your servant

Srinivasacarya Dasa