Current ASA Calendar

4 months, 3 weeks ago by hps in Calendar Development


2024 october 23

Camped at NVM (New Vraja Mandala), Spain

Until 3rd December. Only day trips off Campus. Physical body 70% finished. Mind little hazy. Intelligence increasing. Japa, Kirtan improving. Heart O.K.

Can die at any moment.

Hospitality and association great.

After Reporting to Rama, Hanumatpresaka, Hanuman rested during Kali - yuga and stayed on Arjuna's flag pole.


• 1.08AM - Up and Chanting, Writing.

• 3.00-3.30AM - Radha-Natabara on line.

• 4.30-10.30 AM - Full Morning Service [FMS] with Mangala arati, Japa, class prep, SB class, breakfast, meeting with devotees.

• Napping - Correspondences - Calendar...

• 4.30PM [?]- Temple Room - Bhajan, meeting with devotees, walks somedays.


24 - App Radha Kunda.

27 - Ek.

29 - Visit Brihuega, Mayor, Stationary Shop.


2 - Govardhana Puja.+

5 - Disp. Srila Prabhupada.

6 - Arr. Carlos Rold [3 dec . Chile).

9 - Srinivasa Acharya.

12 - Ek. Gaura Kishore Das Babaji.

15 - Purnima.

27 - Rohini kumara Das arr. NVM


3 - Madrid to JFK, New York, with Rohini et al. Night in posh hotel with Subal Sakha Das near airport.

Carlos > Chile.

4 - Train to Richmond.

6 - Odana sasti.

11 - Ekadasi

13 - Richmond to Nashville

15 - Purnima

17 - Nashville (BNA) to Houston

18 - Disp. Srimad Bhakti-siddhanta Sarasvati.

20 - Vijaya < India.

25 - Hari-lila Das < India (?).

30 - Amavasya

31 - Locana Das.


1. Kirtaniya Sada Harih. Get back to real work in Goloka.

2. Fix SB class schedule weekly with Yadunandana Swami.

3. Visit ISKCON Madrid and El Prado with Jayanta Das et al.

4. Symposium on Varna-ashrama-dharma with Yadu Swami.

You can make plans for serving Krsna, but better just to chant Hare Krsna.