Casi Urgente: Deidad de Hanuman en Ramanavami de NVM

7 months, 3 weeks ago by Yulisa Yugala in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hk pamho

Querido Gurudeva siempre recuerdo que Ud. entusiasmaba a celebrar en los templos, las fiestas en alusión al Sr. Ramacandra. Posiblemente Él sea más conocido en la tierra que Krsna, pues las historias del fiel sirviente Hanuman llegan y se siguen mostrando en series exitosas como Dragon bol.

El pequeño Hanuman, mi deidad, idéntico al del templo de Radha Madan Bihari (uno tiene las manitos en posición de oración, el mío dando bendiciones), saltó al altar de Radha Govinda Candra, los tomó a todos de sorpresa, la encargada del pujari autorizó a se quedará todo el día, ya que, la ofrenda sería especial. Al final, en la noche, Prabhu Venudar pidió que lo llevara porque se estaba comiendo todo.

A lo largo del día venían devotos y espontáneamente cantaban extáticos, y los cabezas de familia trajeron prasadham de sus casas para compartir y el almuerzo se volvió muy opulento. Es lindo este lugar, todos viene entusiastas todos los días y realizan su servicio ya sea en la cocina, pujari, campo, etc. Se cumple el sadhana a diario y como amanece mucho después, posiblemente para el Brahma muhurta varios devotos ya llevan muchas rondas cantadas.

Lo esperamos Gurudeva, lo esperamos todos, Maharaja Yadunandana, sus discípulos, amigos y bienquerientes en NVM, su casa.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kisora Dasi


.HK. pamho.

Dear Gurudeva, I always remember that you were enthusiastic about celebrating festivals in reference to Mr. Ramacandra in the temples. Possibly He is better known on earth than Krsna, since the stories of the faithful servant Hanuman arrive and continue to be shown in successful series such as Dragon Bol.

Little Hanuman, my deity, identical to the one in the Radha Madan Bihari temple (one has his little hands in a prayer position, mine giving blessings), jumped onto the altar of Radha Govinda Candra, taking everyone by surprise, the person in charge of the pujari He authorized him to stay all day, since the offering would be special. Finally, in the evening, Prabhu Venudar asked to take him because he was eating everything.



Throughout the day devotees came and spontaneously sang ecstatically, and the heads of families brought prasadham from their homes to share and the lunch became very opulent. This place is nice, everyone comes enthusiastically every day and performs their service whether in the kitchen, pujari, field, etc. The sadhana is performed daily and as it dawns much later, possibly for the Brahma muhurta several devotees have already chanted many rounds.

We are waiting for you Gurudeva, we are all waiting for you, Maharaja Yadunandana, his disciples, his friends and well-wishers in NVM, his house.

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kisora Dasi

HpS - Such really good Social Communication! Thank you. Now is Sita's appearance, no?

Thank you!!!!!!