Preguntas Guru Tattva

11 months ago by Cruz Santa in Other

Querido Gurudeva, Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias🙇🌻

Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro muy misericordioso Fundador Acarya AC Bhaktivedhanta Swami Prabhupada y todas las glorias sean a todos los fieles miembros de ISKCON🙇

Querido Guru Maharaja, oramos a nuestros amorosos señores le mantengan eternamente bajo su protección y que su energía sea buena y favorable a su Sankirtan. Gracias por disponer tantos medios para que sus sirvientes podamos conectarnos con Srila Prabhupada.

En cartas anteriores en este Blog, usted ha dicho que no dará más iniciaciones Diksa y en sus respuestas a diferentes aspirantes, usted ha RECOMENDADO o SUGERIDO a SS Yadunandana Swami como “un muy agradable Diksa Guru en España y a Radha Krsna Das en Houston”. Sin embargo; algunos devotos han interpretado esta recomendación como una ORDEN

Recientemente durante un foro público, un devoto dijo a SS Yadunandana Swami: “SS Hanumatpresaka Swami les ha dicho a todos los aspiraban tomar iniciación con él, que ellos TIENEN que tomar iniciación con SS Yadunandana Swami” lo que sorprendió a algunos devotos presentes.

Desde mi perspectiva, la anterior afirmación podría interpretarse como una aparente imposición, que no concuerda con lo que usted ha recomendado o con qué; debe existir una evaluación y aceptación mutua para el establecimiento de la relación guru discípulo, por lo que me he tomado el atrevimiento de escribir al respecto.

Le ruego me disculpe si es que estoy siendo ofensiva y también le ruego, si lo considera apropiado, aclare este aspecto para su torpe sirviente.

Otra pregunta que tengo al respecto es: 

Hay muchos devotos que durante años aspiraron a ser iniciados por usted, pero por distintos motivos, no fue posible. Cuando usted informó que ya no otorgará más iniciaciones, algunos se sintieron un poco perdidos y decían “Yo nunca he pensado en nadie más como Guru, ¿Qué voy a hacer ahora?…”

Gurudeva ¿Cómo pueden ellos, mantener o fortalecer su relación con usted aun cuando tomen refugio formal en un maestro espiritual en particular? ¿Dónde pueden acudir para obtener la fortaleza necesaria, reponerse y continuar en este sendero?

Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa guía Gurudeva, Por favor disculpe mis preguntas tan básicas y nuevamente le ruego me disculpe si he sido ofensiva de algún modo.

Siempre a sus órdenes, su aspirante a discípula.

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 


Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances🙇🌻

All Glories be to our most merciful Founder-Acarya A. C. Bhaktivedhanta Swami Prabhupada and all glories be to all the faithful members of ISKCON🙇

Dear Guru Maharaja, we pray that our loving Lords keep you eternally under Their protection and that his energy is good and favorable to your Sankirtan. Thank you for providing so many means for your servants to connect with Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - ASA -- Thank you!

In previous letters on this Blog, you have said that you will not give any more Diksa initiations and in your responses to different aspirants, you have RECOMMENDED or SUGGESTED H. H. Yadunandana Swami as “a very nice Diksa Guru in Spain and Radha Krsna Das in Houston.” However; some devotees have interpreted this recommendation as an ORDER…

Recently during a public forum, a devotee told H. H. Yadunandana Swami: “H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami has told all those aspiring to take initiation with him that they HAVE to take initiation with H. H. Yadunandana Swami” which surprised some devotees present.

From my perspective, the previous statement could be interpreted as an apparent imposition, which does not agree with what you have recommended or with what; There must be a mutual evaluation and acceptance for the establishment of the guru-disciple relationship, which is why I have taken the courage to write about it.

I beg your pardon if I am being offensive and I also ask you, if you consider it appropriate, to clarify this aspect for his clumsy servant.

HpS/ASA - Yes, agtSP. Paoho. It is just a general suggestion. Devotees may want to take 1st, 2nd, 3rd initiation from other devotees than Maharaja of Radha-krsna Das. Thank you for asking this question!

Another question I have about this is:

There are many devotees who for years aspired to be initiated by you, but for various reasons, it was not possible. When you informed that you will no longer be granting initiations, some felt a little lost and said “I have never thought of anyone else as a Guru, what am I going to do now?…”

HpS - Just because your Catholic Priest is too old to do marriages or Baptisms, does not mean that your spiritual relationship with him is broken. If it was a material relation, like a family counselor for material social, psycho and religious functions, then it was pretty limited from the beginning.

We are happy if we can act a Siksa gurus for people.

Gurudeva How can they maintain or strengthen their relationship with you even if they take formal refuge in a particular spiritual master? Where can they go to gain the necessary strength, recover, and continue on this path?

HpS - Hopefully they can find us at the lotus feet or Srila Prabhupada!

Mostly anything, or even everything, they have found attractive in us is coming from Srila Prabhupada, Gaura Nitai, Krsna!

Anything particular to us, is still here with us as the lotus feet of Guru.


Thank you very much for your merciful guidance Gurudeva, Please excuse my very basic questions and again I beg your pardon if I have been offensive in any way.

Always at your command, your aspiring disciple.

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS/ASA - Thank your K. Shakti Devi Dasi.

What kind of body do you want next?