Experiencias Mentales

10 months, 2 weeks ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Todas las glorias a Usted que fielmente sirve a nuestro Fundador Acarya. 

Muchas gracias por su sagrada asociación y ejemplo cada día de nuestras vidas. Que el Señor Nrisimhadeva lo proteja. 

El mes de mayo será la aparición del Señor Nrisimhadeva y Kapi dvaja terminará un ciclo periódico, queremos agradecerle por los años brindados y decirle que nos parece bien que sea más espontáneo, ha cumplido un buen ciclo, ahora Hanuman express dispatch volará de forma distinta, su editor es un escritor nato, por tanto suponemos que continuará aterrizando cuando menos lo esperemos, estaremos atentos; recordamos cuando llegaba a Chosica mandir, estaba impreso con un encabezado de una lista corta de discípulos encabezados por Sriman Raktak das. Muchas gracias Gurumaharaja. 

Respecto a sus viajes nos parece bien su desicion de no tener viajes cortos muy frecuentes, pensamos que esto mantiene su energía más estable y todos somos beneficiados con más asociación virtual en todos sus programas. 

Usted compartió algunas experiencias sublimes en Conciencia de Krsna, incluso con el Señor Jesucristo a través del blog y la clase del sábado, estamos agradecidos y anhelamos más artículos de estás experiencias por favor. 

Su servidora únicamente divaga en experiencias mentales pero aún así humildemente deseo compartirlo, estuve pensando que soy mal agradecida porque uno debe dar gracias por la misericordia recibida de algún modo. 

Mientras vivíamos en el ashrama, un discipulo estuvo con usted en Vrndavan, nos mostraba sus fotos de diferentes lugares sagrados, había una foto donde UD veía el Upadesamrita en el Radhakunda, nos dijeron que trataba de ubicar desde que ángulo fue tomada la foto que aparece en la contra tapa del libro, parecía muy animado tratando de encontrar, me quedé meditando en ello todo el día, ojalá yo estuviera ahí para asistir a mi Gurumaharaja, talves sumaría una pequeña ayuda. 

Esa noche tuve un sueño, era como haber ingresado a tal acontecimiento , UD iba adelante con varios devotos de dhoti y yo caminaba detrás, habíamos llegado al Radhakunda! veía tantos detalles que nunca ví por fotos porque en ese tiempo no había la tecnología de hoy, inmediatamente UD ofreció dandavat junto con los demás devotos, yo me apresuré a hacerlo también pero tenía un dilema, las madres en ISKCON no ofrecen dandavat con el cuerpo extendido, pero pensaba ¡Es Radhakunda debo ofrecer dandavat! Sin pensar más me postre en esa posición con pleno respeto y rendición, de inmediato pude ver otra dimensión, una suave y tersa ola del Radhakunda tomó forma y delicadamente se dirigió a nosotros bañándonos meticulosamente desde la cabeza, pude sentir claramente esa Sagrada agua, inmediatamente fui liberada de toda designación material, me experimente como un ser espiritual, ya no era madre ni devoto con dhoti, totalmente liberada de esa designación pude experimentar una dimensión indescriptible. 

En el 2002 geográficamente pude llegar por su misericordia, UD nos llevó y los detalles del Radhakunda eran tal cual, ahí estábamos como usted y fue tan increíble! tomó un poco de agua con las manos y se rocío en su cabeza, yo continúe visitando varias veces, en ocasiones sola, pero muy ambiciosa, con una lota sacaba mucha agua y me empapaba de esa sagrada agua del Radhakunda cuanto podía, quería aprovechar esa visita. 

UD nos abrió las puertas de Vrndavan, muchas gracias! ahora es cuestión de purificación para poder ver el Radhakunda espiritual y porsupuesto nuestra posición eterna de sirvientes, Gurumaharaja en Nadia espiritual como es la experiencia con el Radhakunda?

Porsupuesto fue únicamente un sueño, pero muy intenso, justamente había llegado SS. Kavicandra Swami a Chosica y decidí contarle, él dijo yo no sé de sueños pero puedo decirte que debes tomarlo como la más grande misericordia. Gurumaharaja esa misericordia me la dió usted porque mis experiencias mentales por propio esfuerzo son únicamente materiales y llenos de sufrimiento, es el maestro espiritual quien muestra el Dham incluso en sueños al discipulo, es el motivo de mi doble agradecimiento. 

Hace poco UD respondió una carta que dice que siempre debemos tratar de avanzar incluso en el estado liberado, mi pregunta es: el plano brahma bhuta para un devoto puro en que etapa avanza se transforma?

Tengo otra pregunta, aunque el devoto puro no debe aspirar los 5 tipos de liberación, si es por servicio él puede llegar al planeta espiritual del Señor Caitanya, en términos técnicos, alguien puede alcanzar la forma del Señor Caitanya? (sarupya), las Escrituras señalan la forma de 4 brazos pero Sri Caitanya no es conocido por tener 4 brazos a excepción de su forma de Sad bhuja, me gustaría entender un poco más por favor. 

Para terminar mi larga carta (pido disculpas por el abuso) quiero solicitar si se puede agregar a la lista de discípulos de Guru-tattva la fecha de mi segunda iniciación por favor. 

30 de Agosto de 1998 (Radhastami) 

Continuamos cantando 16 rondas y Gayatri, 4 principios regulativos sin problemas y participamos como pujaris. 

Usted solicitó hace un tiempo editar cualquier arreglo, pensé que no era necesario en mi caso, disculpe por favor, este año ví que a veces algunos devotos no preguntan o investigan sino más bien proporcionan información de acuerdo a su propia y caprichosa imaginación.

También recordamos que un devoto pujari nos contó que tuvo que recibir el Gayatri por segunda vez porque no había evidencia de su ceremonia con Śrīla Prabhupāda. 

Adjuntamos foto de Srimati Radharani en invierno con el suéter verde que sorprendentemente logramos tejer. 

Le agradezco su misericordiosa atención. 

Por favor perdone nuestras ofensas. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente 

Asta Sakhi dd 


Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our respectful bows.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to You who faithfully serve our Founder Acarya.

HpS - We 99.9999...% selfish, but Srila Prabhupada does not give up on us!!!!!

Thank you very much for your sacred partnership and example every day of our lives. May Lord Nrisimhadeva protect you.

HpS = He is very very beautiful. I think He wants to participate in this movement more and more.

The month of May will be the appearance of Lord Nrisimhadeva and Kapi dvaja will end a periodic cycle, we want to thank him for the years given and tell him that we think it is good that he is more spontaneous, he has completed a good cycle, now Hanuman express dispatch will fly in a different way, Its editor is a born writer, so we assume that it will continue to land when we least expect it, we will be attentive; We remember when it came to Chosica mandir, it was printed with a heading of a short list of disciples headed by Sriman Raktak das. Thank you very much Gurumaharaja.

Regarding their trips, we think their decision to not have very frequent short trips is good, we think that this keeps their energy more stable and we all benefit from more virtual association in all their programs.

You shared some sublime experiences in Krishna Consciousness, including with the Lord Jesus Christ through the blog and the Saturday class, we are grateful and look forward to more articles about these experiences please.

Your servant only rambles on in mental experiences but I still humbly wish to share it. I was thinking that I am ungrateful because one must give thanks for the mercy received in some way.

While we lived in the ashrama, a disciple was with you in Vrndavan, he showed us his photos of different sacred places, there was a photo where you saw the Upadesamrita in the Radhakunda, they told us that he was trying to locate from what angle the photo that appears was taken. on the back cover of the book, he seemed very excited trying to find it, I kept meditating on it all day, I wish I were there to assist my Gurumaharaja, maybe it would add a little help.

HpS - Yes, it was like the stones on the edge of Radha kunda had been changed. It was not very possible!

That night I had a dream, it was like having entered such an event, you were ahead with several dhoti devotees and I was walking behind, we had arrived at Radhakunda! I saw so many details that I never saw in photos because at that time there was not today's technology, immediately you offered dandavat along with the other devotees, I rushed to do it too but I had a dilemma, mothers in ISKCON do not offer dandavat with the body extended, but I thought It's Radhakunda I must offer dandavat! Without thinking further I prostrated myself in that position with full respect and surrender, immediately I could see another dimension, a soft and smooth wave of the Radhakunda took shape and delicately addressed us, bathing us meticulously from the head, I could clearly feel that Sacred water, immediately I was freed from all material designation, I experienced myself as a spiritual being, I was no longer a mother or a devotee with dhoti, totally freed from that designation I was able to experience an indescribable dimension.

HpS - All glories to the wonderful land of Vrndavan!!! Filled with the songs of Krsna and Balarama. Come along! Come along!!

In 2002 geographically I was able to arrive by your mercy, you took us and the details of the Radhakunda were just as they were, there we were like you and it was so incredible! She took a little water with her hands and sprinkled it on her head. I continued visiting several times, sometimes alone, but very ambitious. I used a burbot to draw a lot of water and soaked in that sacred water of Radhakunda as much as I could. I wanted to take advantage of that. visit.

You opened the doors of Vrndavan to us, thank you very much! Now it is a matter of purification to be able to see the spiritual Radhakunda and of course our eternal position as servants, Gurumaharaja in spiritual Nadia. How is the experience with the Radhakunda?

HpS - I don't know. Even Narada Muni cannot really go there, yet, but we can see it from some distance, maybe like parrots flying over.

By mercy of Lord Caitanya wonderful things are possible.

Of course it was just a dream, but a very intense one, SS had just arrived. Kavicandra Swami to Chosica and I decided to tell him, he said I don't know about dreams but I can tell you that you should take it as the greatest mercy. Gurumaharaja gave me that mercy because my mental experiences through my own efforts are only material and full of suffering, it is the spiritual master who shows the Dham even in dreams to the disciple, it is the reason for my double gratitude.

Recently you responded to a letter that says that we should always try to advance even in the liberated state, my question is: the brahma bhuta plane for a pure devotee is transformed into what stage does he advance?

HpS - We become Goswamis. Is just the same if you have a female persona now. Men take formal Sannyasa but ladies, children all must become Brahmanas (there is a reality. The Dieties are spiritual); then Goswamis (We feel inspiration for details of our service from the Deities. Reality has form!); Pure devotees (Krsna and Radha and.... start to personally involve us in the immediate spiritual reality)

I have another question, although the pure devotee should not aspire for the 5 types of liberation, if by service he can reach the spiritual planet of Lord Caitanya, in technical terms, can anyone achieve the form of Lord Caitanya? (sarupya), the scriptures indicate the 4-armed form but Sri Caitanya is not known to have 4 arms except for his Sad bhuja form, I would like to understand a little more please.

HpS - Little bit complicated question. I would think that taking birth in Nadiya in our next lifetime even as a dog who can join Nimai with other dogs in the Sankirtan is Svarupaya. Of course if are boys and girls like Lord Caitanya playing with Him and the Nitya siddhas while we are growing up, then that is maybe even more Svarupya mukti.

To finish my long letter (I apologize for the abuse) I would like to request if the date of my second initiation can be added to the list of Guru-tattva disciples please.

August 30, 1998 (Radhastami)

ASA - Tom Brown made a note to add it. He is very honored, but he is a Monkey, so if the change is not made by time of next KDh, then please do not hesitate to ask again!

We continued chanting 16 rounds and Gayatri, 4 regulative principles smoothly and participated as pujaris.

You requested a while ago to edit any arrangement, I thought it was not necessary in my case, please excuse me, this year I saw that sometimes some devotees do not ask or investigate but rather provide information according to their own capricious imagination.

We also remember that a pujari devotee told us that he had to receive the Gayatri a second time because there was no evidence of his ceremony with Śrīla Prabhupāda.

We attach a photo of Srimati Radharani in winter with the green sweater that we surprisingly managed to knit.

I thank you for your merciful attention.

Please forgive our offenses.

Your eternal aspiring servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS/ASA - Thank you!!! Thanks to Manasa ranjana Das! Everyone!