Searching for scriptural references about three topics

10 months, 2 weeks ago by Namacarya das in Hot Topics

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my obeisances 🙏

All glories to A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada! 🌷


Hare Krishna 🌸

I’m searching for three scriptural 📜

references, specifically the verse(s) itself, not the commentary.

  • That the living entity is always a person, i.e. in any possible situation never loses the individual identity
  • A constrain to this search is to be apart from BG slokas 2.12 and 18.61 and Upaniṣadic nityo nityanas cetanas cetananam, 

HpS - What about, "nitya siddha krsna prema sadhya kabu naya..". Cited in NoI.

  • That jiva was in paravyoma with Krsna and left it, the spiritual world and Krsna's association there, by his/her/its own volition,

HpS - I cannot think of any specific verses, although the same verse above says that, no? I think we collected some citations on the topic of "Origin of the Jiva" and posted them in our ASA Encyclopedia:

  • And a verse that says that when saying something, that statement should be backed by sastra.

HpS - We can remember many purports where Srila Prabhupada notes this idea. What about the verses in SB 1.2?

I am aware of purports by Srila Prabhupada stating that(those) point(s). But, as I said, I am looking for a verse(s).

Not at all to minimise what Srila Prabhupada is saying, just would be nice to have a direct sastric reference. Because BG 17.15 purport "The process of speaking in spiritual circles is to say something upheld by the scriptures. One should at once quote from scriptural authority to back up what he is saying."

HpS - I was thinking of the same thing. Also, maybe in the conversation of Lord Caitanya with Sarva bhauma and Praksananda Sarasvati.

One reason why I search for these is that I can remember or find references for, according to myself, principal activities and topics for and about practicing Krsna bhakti. For example, the power of a holy name, the significance of proper association (and proper dissociation), diet, sastra, etc. 

However, for the mentioned three topics I am not sure where they can be located.

It, the solid truth of religious principles, could be found in the heart of a mahājanas/big persons/self-realized predecessors. Yet, my understanding is, these mahājanas give statements supported by sastra. And, whatever someone says should be substantiated by sastra. As shown above BG 17.15 purport "One should at once quote from scriptural authority to back up what he is saying."

I hope the inquiry is clear.

Please, if it is OK with you, and you think I can understand, share about this matter(s).

Thank you very much.

Your servant Namacarya Das

HpS - Please report and results!