Trying to Make Progress

11 months, 1 week ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, beloved Gurudeva, AGTSP, PAMHO.

Gurudeva, You know me. I like to wear designer clothes. And my parents raised me in a way, that I have all what I need and more.

HpS/ASA - Clothes for Deities?

I applied to another university because in my current university I do not earn much.

This university is called UCAL.

The payment is pretty good and besides that it is closer to my Home it is in La Molina.

The thing is that I am afraid of losing my balance between my spiritual life and material life. Sometimes I am overwhelmed

FMS helps a lot. I have classes from Monday to Sunday. I hope that for the next cycle I can leave one university so that I can have more time to practice My spiritual life more intensively.

Please forgive me for my laziness.

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - Buy your clothes with your sister at Catholic Thrift Shop 😆 😆 and can take Ulysses on long Japa walks???

16x4!!!!!!!! and you can dress in silk sarees with nimai in nabadvipa in a few days.