Madre Jambabati Ofrenda 💗

11 months, 3 weeks ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

"Back home back to God"

Back home, back to God

On this sacred day of your Sri Vyasapuja, please allow me to glorify you by placing your life on the altar of my heart, admiring you as the perfect instrument through which Srila Prabhupada continues to expand Krishna Consciousness throughout the world, helping humanity to emerge from this miserable Samsara of material existence.

HpS - AgtSP. We can accept that we are a perfect instrument as are others in Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON, the same way a very imperfect harmonium can be used as a perfect tool in the hands of a perfect musician, Srila Prabhupada. As far as we are concerned, think we have more work to do from our side before we become an independent 'perfect instrument'. Same for you et al?

 You continue to show us the path that Srila Prabhupada left us: chanting the Holy Names, reading his books, rendering service to Krishna,... in the condition we are in, we are not perfect, you. He does not say: a crooked branch is better than a straight branch... with his personal example and beautiful smile he encourages us by telling us: "come on, we are learning the lesson, following the program is easy and you will be happy with Krishna eternally" jay!!

 After saying goodbye to him in Santa Clara (Peru) with the plan to go to India and stay there until he left the body,... I remained silent trying to understand between tears how Devastating it would be when you. leave this world... it is pathetic to recognize that in my childhood I suffered abandonment from my father and suffering from my mother,

it was a trauma that I wanted to overcome throughout my life,...running away, getting away from everything... I thought I had already overcome it, but, again, the pain and suffering resurfaces,...

I walk away, I run away, knowing that it is and is not cushions my pain,

I know it is a lot of Ego, I am working internally to overcome this condition ,... I implore you to forgive my offenses if I have put you in anxiety..

 I remember reading, when Srila Prabhupada was very serious he told his disciples: there is no reason to cry, the old die, that is natural, so do not cry.... when the disciples told him we will not know how to communicate with you.. Srila Prabhupada responded:

 "Oh, I will communicate with you through your heart, I will come to you in your dreams as caitya-guru"

Between cries I try to understand the sacred principle of Faith that unites us to you. through following his instructions that are the legacy of Srila Prabhupada:

 Chanting the Holy Names, reading their books, doing Service to Krishna in a humble and devotional state of Mind... having full Faith in His Mission, that we will be earning our Ticket to return home, back to God, and continue serving Him. You. Beloved Gurudev and Radha Krishna eternally.

 Hanumatpresaka swami, ki jay!!

 His useless and clumsy servant

 M. Jambavati d.d.

HpS - Thank you. We hope th

at we are doing a little to communicate the vision of Srila Prabhupada and Krsna that this wonderful Vyasa-puja offering contains.

On our altar is the little tryptic of your Gaura-Nitai dieties and [?] Vrndadevi, Gopal; and Piggy. Monkey left his body some time ago and we the remains on a branch of the pear tree that we planted on Radhastami a few years ago.

Please improve your association with devotees. You have so many Mothers and Fathers and Big Sisters and Big Brothers!

Next meeting, Nabadvip with Nimai and Srila Prabhupada!!!!

P.S. We have many other offerings collected into one file. We hope to get to it.

We also have to read the official Disciple Reports to report to Srila Prabhupada.

How much is our fault in doing this lazy, lusty character?

Right now it 🌞

is at 7.49PM. Have a headache coming. So cannot do much more writing.

  • Will join FES with Sri Sri Radha Natabara Sanga.
  • Others might ask to join the Whatsapp Group.

Maybe one more Blog post.

So, many nice ones here.

We are all, already half dead. 😃


 "De vuelta a casa de vuelta a Dios"

De vuelta a casa de vuelta a Dios

en este sagrado dia de su Sri Vyasapuja, por favor permitame glorificarlo poniendo su vida en el altar de mi corazon, admirandolo como el instrumento perfecto a travez del cual Srila Prabhupada continua expandiendo Conciencia de Krishna en el mundo entero, ayudando a la humanidad a salir de este miserable Samsara de la existencia material.

Ud. nos continua mostrando el camino que Srila Prabhupada nos dejo: cantar los Santos Nombres, leer sus libros, rendir servicio a Krishna, .. en la condicion que estemos, no somos perfectos, ud. no dice: es mejor una rama torcida a una rama derecha .. con su ejemplo personal y hermosa sonrisa nos alienta diciendonos: "vamos, vamos aprendiendo la leccion, seguir el programa es facil y seras feliz con Krishna eternamente" jay!!

Despues de su despedida en Santa Clara (Peru) con el proyecto de ir a India y quedarse alla hasta dejar el cuerpo, .. permaneci en silencio tratando de entender entre llantos lo Devastador que sería cuando ud. parta de este mundo ...  es patetico reconocer que en mi infancia sufri abandono de mi padre y el sufrimiento de mi madre, fue un trauma que quize superar a lo largo de mi vida,..huyendo, alejandome de todo .... pense que ya lo habia superado, pero, nuevamente, el dolor y sufrimiento vuelve a aflorar, ... me alejo, huyo, saber que esta y no esta amortigua mi dolor, se que es mucho Ego, estoy trabajando internamente para superar esta condicion ,... le imploro perdone mis ofensas si lo he puesto en ansiedad ..

Recuerdo haber leido, cuando Srila Prabhupada estaba muy grave les dijo a sus discipulos: no hay razon para llorar, los viejos muere, eso es natural, asi que no lloren.... cuando los discipulos le dijeron no sabremos como comunicarnos contigo ... Srila Prabhupada respondio: 

" oh, me comunicare con uds. atravez de vuestro corazon, vendre a uds. en sus sueños como chaitya=Guru "

Entre llantos trato de entender, el principio sagrado de Fe que nos une a ud. atravez de seguir sus instrucciones que es el legado de Srila Prabhupada:

El canto de los Santos Nombres, leer sus libros, hacer Servicio a Krishna en humilde y devocional estado de Animo..  tener plena Fe en su Mision, que estaremos ganando nuestro Boleto para volver a casa, de vuelta a Dios, y seguir sirviendole a ud. Amado Gurudev y a Radha Krishna eternamente .

Hanumatpresaka swami, ki jay!!

su inutil y torpe sirvienta

M. Jambavati d.d.