livin just for chant

9 months, 3 weeks ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glory to Srila Prabhupad, All Glory to Sankirtan Movement by Sri Gaura Nitay.

Please accept my humbles obeisances.

Dear Gurudeva: Thanks for your tireless exemplary life.

HpS/ASA 🐵 🐖 🐖 - Haw! Haw! Haw Ray!!!! Are mostly tired. Struggling with what little energy we have to honor Prasdam better, more honestly; reduce our material sense gratification; sleep less!


I keep trying to learn from the devotees, I started reading the Srimad Bhagavatam again, and I continue trying to make good rounds, I have followed your lectures at facebook and youtube. Your instructions are very valuable.

HpS - Super thanks to ASA Carnival for their publication work. AgtSP for 99.999999% of anything useful we say.

I have some doubts:

What is the proper Ekadasi etiquette. If you didn't know what day was Ekadasi and you ate grains before you knew it, It is appropriate to fast from that moment or not. What should be done in such a situation?

HpS - AS far as I know should definitely not eat anymore grains. It is like accidentally stabbing your self in the foot. You don't want go on shooting yourselfe but now intentionally.

And What do you do if the day changes while traveling? For example if Ekadasi is tomorrow at the source site, but at the destination site is today when you arrives ekadasi it's over, or in another situation when at origin place is Ekadasi but at destination place is Ekadasi tomorrow, is ekadasi for two days?

HpS - I don't know the details. Hope others might send us a note here, but would suggest that you follow the timings from where you start.

If you eat grains on Ekadasi, then you should do and Ekadasi fasting on Trayodasi, not Dvadasi, to compensate.

Thanks a lot your crew member

Aniruddhakrsna Das

HpS - Always so nice to hear from you.

Reading CC, KRSNA book, TLC, regularly is also reading the Bhagavatam. Get little habits eg. Little TLC every day before Mangala arati. Little Krsna book every night before going to sleep. etc. etc. You will become addicted. Feel practical, eternal, purification of your intoxication!

Come on!

Time to become Goswami!
