10Β months, 3Β weeks ago by i8themaha in Other


Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Hare Krishna, Gurudeva,

HpS - AgtSP!!!

So I finished reading "The Gopis attracted by the Flute", and now I will try to relate that to the three levels of Iskcon.

When I think about ISKCON, I think that Srila Prabhupada has given us a house in which we can all live. He is serving Krsna, and here in ISKCON we can all serve Krsna together.

The chapter mostly describes everyone's relationship with Krsna. I think of sambandha, abhidheya, and prayojana.

But the challenge is that there is no mention of ISKCON in this chapter. So, I can ask, "Who am I?", "Who is my spiritual master?", "Who is Srila Prabhupada?", and "Who is Krsna?". And then, "What is my relationship to all of these people, and the Supreme person?"

Is this is the link, everyone taking the role of servant?

Srila Prabhupada has given us this great opportunity to explore our service options. Then, after obtaining the actual service position to the spiritual master, we can prepare ourselves to not just leave the bodily concept, but to actually leave the body, right? Out of his infinite kindness, the spiritual master is here-- guiding and enlightening us-- with the torchlight of knowledge. Aren't we always connected through serving his instructions?

I noted a few sentences in the passage:

"... while looking toward Krsna playing His flute, (the gopis) saw the reddish kunkuma on the ground and immediately smeared it on their faces...In this way they became fully satisfied, although they were not satisfied when their lovers touched their breasts. All material lusty desires can be immediately satisfied if one comes in contact with Krsna Consciousness."

What this means to me is that the relationships with people here in the material world are not ultimately satisfying. True satisfaction only comes in relating to Krsna. When the calves were drinking milk, they stopped feeding, struck as though dumb. The sage-like birds appeared only to hear the flute. The deer perked up their ears to hear the flute sound.

So I can only guess that the three levels of ISKCON are 1) exploring the service relationship to Krsna through Srila Prabhupada as the pre-eminent siksa guru; 2) serving the spiritual master who is serving Srila Prabhupada; and 3) then after serving the instructions of the spiritual master in this material world, we get to leave it and serve the servant of the servant in the spiritual world, while simultaneously being with there with Krsna.

Then we might also get a chance to hear His flute!


What do you think Guru Maharaja? Am I even close?

Your servant,

Jaya-hari das

HpS/ASA - For us:

  1. The Gopis are all good citizens of Nanda Maharaja's village, the Institution. They pay taxes, haggle over the sales price of their milk products. Point out problems in the administration and try to help correct them.
  2. They have their circle of friends quite independent of the King's heirarchy. The King's closest friend may be his cook! In the institution we need to develop our friendships based upon NoI.
  3. They all directly experience a personal relationship with Krsna (through so many transparent via media). We have to have a DIRECT EXPERIENCE of Srila Prabhupada's thoughts about us, instructions for us etc.



