Hare Krsna Gurudeva

11 months, 3 weeks ago by rohini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Gurudeva

My respected Gurudeva, please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I always wish you the best for your health.

HpS - AgtSP/ A 'healthy' old car??

¡Om namo Bhagavate Narasimhaya!

 I am understanding and I'm realizing my small position, it is a reality that takes time to integrate into our habitual consciousness and for this to be the fundamental basis of our actions;

I am here in my house, in my district, my region, my country, my planet, my planet is among other planets and other components of the universe that influence me, and there are so many universes and everything is material existence functioning.

We also have the spiritual existence, much larger, inconceivable, and functioning. The power of the Supreme with His opulence is great, His energies, His aspects, His messengers.


I am a spiritual soul in a material body that I sculpted myself with my feelings, desires, actions, thoughts, by believing that I decided my life; the truth is that I was being driven, guided, oriented, reinforced, rewarded by the enormous power of illusion (Energy of Krsna), in my small position, and by my past and tendencies, me inserted in the wheel of time.


The events occur in the time, place, and circumstances decreed by Divine Providence and the mercy of the Supreme.

Right now, I am conversing with you Gurudeva . . . what glory. TLGASrila Prabhupada, TLGABhaktysiddhanta Sarasvati, TLGAThe Disciplic Succession that comes from Krsna (Who is described by His beautiful qualities that He manifests in His pastimes with His associates)


Thank you, Gurudeva for the Maha Mantra, the principles, the knowledge, TLGASP. Gurudeva, is every statement about my existence be correct?

Thank you very much for your attention Gurudeva, your time and mercy.

His disciple

Rohini dd

HpS - We are all fortunate to be accepted into the service of Srila Prabhupada in the Parampara!...!...

Very fortunate.

Your above statements seem fine.

Practically we seem to be somewhat influenced by Lord Caitanya's mercy and we can feel Hara, Krsna and Rama's presence when we chant Their Names or see Their deities.

When we can boxes of books to the car, we might also think, that these are Rama and Krsna's books.

So, we might be realizing Krsna in part as Maha-visnu and being surrounded by His material energies.

[... we thought we sent this letter long time ago!!! you are becoming a goswami? can feel the presence of the holy spirit, paramatma.]