Asking for help

PAMHO AGTSP! All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!

Hare Krishna!! How r u Maharaj!?

HpS - AgtSP!! Do you get our Tweets?🙂

Well here go some of the issues I was telling you in the former letter.

I began experiencing some problems with the mother of my child, some of them are pretty private, and the ones I can mention are:

  1. She threatened me and my family, and took my kid away certain day with the police
  2. She’s moving to a town a little far away from where I’m living, so I won’t be able to see her that often, and I’m really close to her so that caused me certain distress, and the accumulation of all this things caused me to get a little bit attached to tobacco, thank you and Krishna I didn’t fall so deep, I’m trying to follow your advice of at least not smoking before 6pm and I usually don’t smoke really much
  3. She sometimes feeds my kid with certain egg-containing foods

Sometimes I’m feeling sleepy, and I force myself to stay awake because of the stressful situation.

I started a treatment with a counselor in order to quit smoking and seeking new ways to improve my health.

Could you please give me an advice?

HpS - No. Not really. 🙂 Nothing new. Go ahead with the tools Srila Prabhupada has given you. Be bold in chanting Hare Krsna loudly, often. All the:





Will just dissolve like the fog as the Sun comes up.

Go ahead. You are on the right path. Just stick to it and lean how to progress on it better by practice.

Well beside all of that the quality of my rounds I feel have been better than ever, and also of my reading.

Prabhu Govinda Damodar referred me to a text in which Prabhupada says that in difficult times Krishna gives more mercy.

Also I’ve been feeling myself more enthusiastic.

Thank you very much in advance Maharaj!

Federico Molnár

HpS - Jaya!!