
1 year ago by madhumanjari in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

Just wanted to share with you this poem from Rumi. today while reading it, remembrance of you, your presence was perceived, as i was reading it to you.

Hope you like it.

Should everything pass away,

it couldn't happen without You [KRSNA] 🙂.

This heart of mine bears Your imprint;

it has nowhere else to turn.

The eye of intellect is drunk with You,

the wheeling galaxy is humble before You,

the ear of ecstasy is in Your hand;

nothing happens without You.

The soul is bubbling with You,

the heart imbibes You,

the intellect bellows in rapture;

nothing happens without You.

You, my grape wine [non-alcoholic] and my intoxication, 

my rose garden and my springtime,

my sleep and repose;

nothing happens without You.

You are my grandeur and glory,

you are my possessions and prosperity [one backpack etc],

you are my purest water;

nothing happens without You.

It is all Your being, Your gentle good faith or Your seemingly cruelty.

You are everything of mine;

no matter where You are going,

nothing happens without You.

[Siksastakam 8!]

They place their hearts with You,

and You break them;

they repent, You break them again.

You do all of this Yourself;

nothing happens without You.

Were something to happen without You, 

the world would be overturned. 

The Garden of Eden would turn to Hell;

nothing happens without You.

If You are a head, I'll become Your feet,

and if You are a fist, I'll become Your flag.

If You disappear, I'll turn to nothing;

nothing happens without You.

You've disturbed my sleep,

You've effaced my personality,

You've broken every attachment;

nothing happens without You.

Should You stop being my Beloved,

my affairs would be disastrous.

My Comforter, my dear Companion! 

Nothing happens without You.

Without You, life would not be delightful

nor death joyous;

how can I rebel against Your sorrow?

Nothing happens without You.

Whatever I say, O seal of judges,

all seemingly good and evil notwithstanding,

say it Yourself, by Your Grace; 

nothing happens without You.


🐵 🐵 He is interesting person. Thank you. We will look for his biodata. Maybe he is in ISKCON now???!

Read through the biography on Wikipedia.

Seems lot of things unclear about him.

We are so lucky to be sitting at the feet of Srila Prabhupada with his books and examples fresh in first hand witnesses!

Yada Yada Hi Dharmasy... Krsna comes again and again!!

Thank you!

Best wishes in your complete purity of any selfish motives!!!

Respects to [?] Aniruddha Das and the devotees.