Tres consultas

1 year ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

¡Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada y sus significados Bhaktivedanta!

¡Todas las Glorias a los Fieles seguidores de nuestro divino Acarya!

Querido Gurudeva, orando porque que su energía sea favorable a su Sankirtan, escribo como parte del equipo ASA Carnaval en relación a los 3 siguientes temas:

1- ASA – Enciclopedia: 

En el más reciente Kapi Dhvaja, usted preguntó si podemos trabajar en ASA-enciclopedia.

Por lo que sus sirvientes, nos permitimos reiterar nuestra disposición para hacerlo. Si usted lo desea y es posible, tal vez podríamos tener una breve reunión para aclarar algunas dudas que tenemos a este respecto.🙏

(Por supuesto, en presencia de Abhinanda Prabhu).

2- Vyasa Puja Doc:

En el dtcb28[su] usted escribió:

“now just couple pages of v-puja offerings that need to be opened, cut and pasted into a word file for later editing. can anyone do that? help us?”

Por favor, háganos saber si podemos colaborar de algún modo. 🤓

3- Solicitud de diapositivas PPT´s

Querido Gurudeva, nos gustaría editar algunos videos, incluyendo las diapositivas que usted ha realizado en sus más recientes presentaciones en ISKCON Houston. Para tal efecto, preguntamos humildemente, ¿Es posible que comparta con sus nosotros las siguientes presentaciones?

A) Ephiphany

B) Happy New year – ISKCON Houston

C) PPT´s de Biblioteca Bhaktivedanta – (Gita jayanti, Etc)

Si usted lo desea, puede compartir lo anterior al correo [email protected]

Muchas gracias por su amable atención, guía e instrucción.🙇

Siempre a sus órdenes, su aspirante a discípula.

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 

ASA Carnaval


[Equipo coordinador de ASA Carnaval: Abhinanda D /Isvari Radha DD/ Karuna-Sakti DD]


Hare Krishna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories be to Srila Prabhupada and his Bhaktivedanta Purports!

All Glories to the Faithful followers of our divine Acarya!

Dear Gurudeva, praying that his energy be favorable to his Sankirtan, I write as part of the ASA Carnaval team in relation to the following 3 topics:

1- ASA – Encyclopedia:

In the most recent 'Kapi Dhvaja', you asked if we can work on ASA-encyclopedia.

Therefore, your servants, we allow ourselves to reiterate our willingness to do so. If you wish and it is possible, perhaps we could have a brief meeting to clarify some doubts we have in this regard.🙏

(Of course, in the presence of Abhinanda Prabhu).

ASA/HpS - Yes! Usually we have short meetings after breakfast around 9.45AM, and then longer meetings between 3.45and 5.45PM.

2- Vyasa Puja Doc:

In dtc 28[su] you wrote:

“now just couple pages of v-puja offerings that need to be opened, cut and pasted into a word file for later editing. can anyone do that? help us?”

Please let us know if we can collaborate in any way. 🤓

HpS/ASA - Thank you. Nandulal Das did it while we worked on a package for Bh. Maite and Spain.

3- Request for PPT slides

Dear Gurudeva, we would like to edit some videos, including the slides that you have made in your most recent presentations at ISKCON Houston. To this end, we humbly ask, is it possible for you to share the following presentations with us?

A) Epiphany

B) Happy New Year – ISKCON Houston

C) Bhaktivedanta Library PPTs – (Gita jayanti, Etc)

If you wish, you can share the above to the email [email protected]

asa/hps - we, agtSP, cannot find the exact shows we might have used, but we sent what might be relevant to the asacrnval whatsapp group.

we can try to share new shows more frequently.

Thank you very much for your kind attention, guidance and instruction.🙇

Always at your command, your aspiring disciple.

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnival


[ASA Carnival Coordinating Team: Abhinanda D /Isvari Radha DD/ Karuna-Sakti DD]

HpS/ASA - Thank you. We only hope that whatever we do glorifies the book "KRSNA - The Supreme P' of G'head".

Look at more Blog Posts.

Chant some Japa (Banking) and go to Rice University program.