Inquiry about the book of verses

1 year, 1 month ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare krsna Dear Maharaja and ASA team.

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to the service of the ASA team!

I am glad to know that he is better, although I know that brother donkey is advancing in age, even so I cannot help but feel concerned about your state of health.

The body of my diksa guru SS Bhaktibhusana Swami is also having health problems and he is can not to continue his tour of South America. He is now trying to recover his health in the city of Mendoza in Argentina so that he can later return to Germany.

Today in SB class, you mentioned about the book of verses that is in charge of Srinath prabhu.

ASA - AgtSP. His brother, Sri Rama Krsna Das

And I am writing to know if there will be a Spanish version? If possible we can help with the Spanish version. Here we have 3 devotees, who can help in translation, proofreading (from English to Spanish), editingin and publication

HpS/ASA - It is 99% Sanskrit. It is just the Sanskrit for the verses as they are cited in the Texts of NOI. So you can refresh your memory and then the source is cited eg. BG 18.66, so that you can look there for more details.

Then it has the first line of the verses in alphabetic, not NOI Text, order in the back and their BBT location and page number in the little study guide itself.

The Amazon version is like 99% ready. It just needs for the picture on the front cover to have a little more margin at the top, the Maha-mantra to also be included in the verses listed and a link for free download of an A4/USA Letter Size format that you can just print for free.

We can also help in distribution according to how you indicate.

We offer our help as a way to collaborate in your great service, if necessary.

Thank you very much for all your dedication and help in our spiritual life.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you.

Whit apreciation and respectful darling

ys Isvari R dd