NIOS Campus development

11 months, 2 weeks ago by shatakshi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


Maharaj to respond to your last letter, my kalari training will complete end of this year, but I plan to leave it in June/July so I can begin PHD.

HpS - AgtSP. That seems fine to us 🐵 🐽 . . .👴. . Whatever training you have you can apply in performance, "Laura Croft - Tomb Raider", for Sankirtan, or you can teach. If you need more training in the style, you can go back and get more.




king to start courses like this of dance, yoga, kalari at the local universities. This video is of my Mandi IIT students performing after only 1 week of training: (the audio and video are out of sync). Of course it was an intensive course and these students are very diligent also but we can attract a lot of people through Krsna lunch, dance, kalari, yoga, painting, sculpting, cooking, philosophy type of courses.

HpS/ASA - In conversation with NgD and ShD and HpS, NgD suggested that if we get a store front across the street from our 902 Hillcrest Dr. office we can teach from there. There is already a very successful dance school there.

Focus = Little girls but all kinds of classes.

NgD also seemed assured you can teach at MTSU.

Of course would be great if your family could rent or buy [to keep or resell] one of the houses on Hillcrest.

This is a systems map of the campus I envisioned to create for Natyasala 7 years ago:

This is a map of Govardhan-ecovillage. I think a lot of the spaces they have: goshala, gardens, temples, eateries, various levels of luxury vacation rooms, sustainability plants etc can serve as goals for our NIOS campus. Please share with us your esteemed perspective 🙏🏻.

HpS/ASA - The only idea that comes to our mind was like a horseshoe with NIOS Campus property in the middle pointing out onto the road.

This would facilitate like 30 residential students {idle rich or kids who can get scholarships etc}, 30-weekend seminar students working the rest of the time online for certificates.

Then around NIOS core would be like seven properties privately owned, controlled, by people who want to participate in the NIOS perspective. Could be Vanaprastha families et al.

Then, outside of that would be land for everyone to share gardens, orchards, animal husbandry, larger workshops.

Then. . . purchase where other plots are available within 10-twelve minutes etc, by bicycle. Then. . . other groups eg. four Grhastha families, could buy a plot and develop their own project.

An FM radio station with range of maybe five miles.

Bong! 💥


sm dd