Compilación Visual - Vyasa Puja 76 SS HPS – Houston

9 months, 1 week ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada, Todas las glorias al Guru Parampara y Todas las glorias a los devotos reunidos!

Orando porque la energía de su cuerpo sea buena y favorable a su Sankirtana. Le agradecemos por permitirnos ser parte de la celebración de su Sri Vyasa Puja 76º, Enero 2024, Houston.

Nuestro agradecimiento a Srinivasacarya prabhu y familia, por concedernos la fortuna de estar ahí, aún a la distancia. 🙇🏻‍♀️

A continuación, enviamos informe de la compilación audio visual del evento:

*Varios devotos, reportaron desde Houston y compartieron fotos y videos que colocamos en Facebook ASA Carnaval - Adjuntamos algunas de sus fotografías -

(Muchas gracias a: Jaya Hari Das, Unmada-vidhayini dd, Srinivasacarya D, Devendra, Sriram, Gadadhara Gosai D, Gopi Radha DD, Candramukhi DD, Govinda Pramodini D, Aindavi DD, Sugopi Radha DD, entre muchos otros)

*Agradecemos especialmente, a quien corresponda, por la transmisión de primer nivel, de todo el evento en el Gauranga Hall y de la premiere del DTC-UT Spain.🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

*La transmisión del encuentro latino también fue muy buena y Gopi Radha DD se esforzó por transmitir desde otra perspectiva. 🙇

Enlaces de consulta:

Grabación completa de los eventos (11 y 13 de Enero)

Álbum en Facebook (Fotos y videos breves)

Muchas gracias a todos los que hicieron posible esta compilación.

Guru Maharaja, por favor podría decirnos: ¿usted estuvo complacido? ¿Hay algún momento que le pareció sobresaliente? ¿Hay algún aspecto que podría mejorarse o cualquier comentario que quisiera darnos?

Muchas gracias por mantenernos activos intentando servir a la misión de nuestro Fundador-Acarya AC. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada🙇🏻‍♀️

Siempre a sus órdenes, su sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnaval

(Equipo coordinador de ASA Carnaval: Isvari Radha DD, Abhinanda D, Karuna-Sakti DD)


Hare Krishna! Dear Gurudeva, please accept our humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, All glories to Guru Parampara and All glories to the assembled devotees!

Praying that the energy of his body is good and favorable to his Sankirtana. We thank you for allowing us to be part of the celebration of your 76th Sri Vyasa Puja, January 2024, Houston.

Our thanks to Srinivasacarya prabhu and family, for granting us the fortune of being there, even from a distance. 🙇🏻‍♀️

Next, we send a report of the audio-visual compilation of the event:

*Several devotees reported from Houston and shared photos and videos that we posted on Facebook ASA Carnaval - We attach some of their photographs -

(Many thanks to: Jaya Hari Das, Unmada-vidhayini dd, Srinivasacarya D, Devendra, Sriram, Gadadhara Gosai D, Gopi Radha DD, Candramukhi DD, Govinda Pramodini D, Aindavi DD, Sugopi Radha DD, among many others)

*We are especially grateful to whomever it may concern for the first-class broadcast of the entire event at Gauranga Hall and the premiere of DTC-UT Spain.

*The broadcast of the Latin meeting was also very good and Gopi Radha DD made an effort to broadcast from another perspective. 🙇

Consultation links:

Complete recording of the events (January 11 and 13)

Facebook album (Photos and short videos)

Many thanks to everyone who made this compilation possible.

Guru Maharaja, could you please tell us: were you pleased? Is there a moment that stood out to you? Is there any aspect that could be improved or any comments you would like to give us?

Thank you very much for keeping us active trying to serve the mission of our Founder-Acarya AC. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada🙇🏻‍♀️

Always at his service, his servant

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnival

(ASA Carnival Coordinating Team: Isvari Radha DD, Abhinanda D, Karuna-Sakti DD)

HpS - It, agtSP, was a colossal event!!!! We thought it would be. Besides the three big events there we innumerable intense meetings between different devotees, groups of devotees. We were meeting devotees and groups of devotees for over two weeks. We could never do it again.

As we hoped, we just played a small part in the event. Many, many others played their parts and the result was great progress in pushing forward Srila Prabhupada's movement.

It was a lot of stress for us as we are sure it was everyone.

So much intense travel to get here and then accommodate in strange places.

Thanks to Srila Prabhupada. Thanks to everyone.

So many things stood out.

I hate to mention any of them because then others might think that there contribution was not great.

Thanks to everyone.

Now it is time for your Vyasapuja? 🙂