Hari Hari bol

12 years, 11 months ago by bhaktin.valentina in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj,

Valentina Silva, student 16 years old, 4 principies 16 ronds Santiago, Chile reporting.
Since December 24th of 2011 without writing.

ASA (Tom Brown)   -  Good God, Ya all!    Almost four months.    A few more weeks and you would turn into a bear...

Many time without writing, hope you are well. I have seen photos of you in Argentina and also in Peru, also candramukhi dd. is always telling us about the preach programs and your activities, I apreciate that a lot.

I entered to school, this year is harder than the last one, more subjects, more homework, more test so school is taking a lot of my time but on fridays I go to Srila Prabhupada's friday feast to catch any service like the garnalds or leading the kirtana for Srila Prabhupada(this is the service that I like the most). I am also in constant contact with devotees that help me in my service and in my life too.

ASA -  Well that is super news!!

My ronds are OK, not good, just OK because I'm not chanting them before 10 am, I need to  improve my sadhana but I'm too lazy, but I wiil improve it!

ASA - Yes, doing the process weakly brings us to doing it strongly, forever!

I am very happy because I am helping some friends to become devotees, a friend of mine became vegetarian and he likes to dance and chant at the kirtans, another likes to do service at the temple and I'm triying to convince my mother to become vegetarian, I hope to make it . I also distributed a book in my school! 

ASA - We have to be careful of investing a lot of time in Karmi subjects in school. If we have to learn them to make money, O.K.   But we don't have to get high scores.  Just learn enough to pass the test!

Today is 12 hrs kirtan in Santiago Mandir and I am in charge of leading Goura Arati kirtan, Im getting prepared for that!

In the last letter you told me to send photos of my family, that means photos of my dad, mom and brother? I send them by the blog? hahah Im a litle bit confused.

ASA - Yes, unless you have fotos of your family in Goloka.  Of course, devotees are also our family.  So kind of a Freudian Ink Blot questions also.  "What do understand when we say, 'Family'".

Thank you for your time Gurumaharaj, I heard that you will be here in September? GREAT! see you soon.

Learning to serve,
Your servant.

Valentina Silva

ASA - Oink!   Whoop!