re: Copy of DTC

1 year, 1 month ago by pnd in Other
We see several more letters with titles DTC. It is good orientation for us. I guess we can send some back to Peru, some to Mexico, distribute some here. Keep some for later distribution here... and we can bring some to Spain (ISKCON Czech Republic) or send them!

If you will still have any and would be not making you any uncomfort I hope to meet you in Spain.

HpS - How do you get the left side grey line in front of the paragraph??? We got emos by keystrokes going!

How is the Beta, Kappa, Delta, Gama... version!???

Coming slower than I planned (that's my always wrong time estimates). But I am happy with progress. Will finish reading history remake today. Next thing will be most likely search.

We can schedule some date and time which suits you as it will be great honor to have you as first user of the new version. And I could still change something based on your desires before launching it for public.

HpS - We might be able to help a little bit but 🐵 and 🐷 would have many suggestions right away!

Uncle Gismo notes that there is a 🔬 but now Robot emoji!

Your son is Prahlada????

Wife at one moment wanted to name him Prahlad, but on end his legal name is Balarám and during name giving he got Balarám Nitai das.

HpS - Maybe he will be the next Maharaja Parishit and make the world One Planet Under Krsna with his capitol in Czech Republic! 😤

He will take over the Theta version???

Time will tell. I would be happy, but if astrology reading was correct he would be more connected with art. He is already drawing on walls 😀

HpS - Of course they do that in mental hospitals also. 😆 Maybe he will become as great a cartoonist as charles schulz!

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - Even if our body does not go to Spain. We will certainly send boxes, DTCs etc!